Okay, have you guys seen the Valhalla-like spire near the very top of the map, surrounded by all of the trees? Will we be able to go up there and forge? In a video called Halo Reach Asylum, showing off gameplay, the camera was up that high and kind of did a fly-by of the spire, making me think we would be able to go all the way up there. But I was on B.net earlier, and someone said we could not. Can someone PLEASE either confirm or deny our ability to go up there? This was the shot I was referring to, and here is the video that I got it from. Linky
How you expect us to answer that? The game isnt out yet and nothing hinting an ability to reach that point has been said. So we dont know.
Considering the horizontal limitations to forge world, the vertical limitations are likely to be nearly as large. In addition to that the camera is up there so it will probably be accessible.
Hopefully. And if not all the way to the top then perhaps those areas which were marked as "Out of Bounds" will be accessible. If so, that would double the amount of accessible space.
maybe it was done in theater. when you press Y you turn into a version of the monitor... except no visor and you can go anywhere. eg: going outside of the level to get a good screen shot or whatever without getting shot by the guardians. so it was probably done like that.
I'll admit it's been a while since I flew out to the edge of a map in theatre, but I'm pretty sure that theatre monitors are restricted by the same invisible barriers as the forge monitor and regular Spartans. Hopefully this means that we are able to get up there, it looks pretty schweet from that screen. Though it could well be just some publicity footage added in to make us go 'oooooooh' at the pretty map, I fear it may have been achieved using the famous Bungie hacksaws.
Yea but in Reach they introduced the return to battle kill zone, so theres no need for a barrier anymore. Which would then make sense if the screenshot was just taken in theater mode.
I don't think that we're restricted via invisible walls, but soft kill zones, and I bet that theater isn't restricted from flying into soft kill areas. So this is prolly just in theater. EDIT, Duckman beat me to it
oh yeah! as we always do. ^^ as i said about a week ago on another thread: just because Bungie has given us all these cool new abilities in forge to make it easier, it doesn't mean that we aren't going to try and find glitches. it just means that we don't have to find glitches to makie it easier to forge. instead we can find glitches to break out of a level or go over budget and the map still be valid. etc.
i predict people will glitch out of the map within a week of the game's release. there's probably already multiple teams of glitchers planning to do this.
Or those modders who already have Reach are trying already :/ And yeah, people are probably planning on finding a way out already. I wouldn't be surprised if they found a way out of the horizontal AND the vertical barriers within a month.
There will be death/solid barriers somewhere out of the map. Bungie primarily used time barriers to stop players, but they physically have to have a barrier somewhere for game design reasons (you would fall off the map otherwise -.-). If there is a time barrier, I'm sure the placeable barriers will be able to counter the effect of them (thus able to escape the map). I don't think gamespot or whoever filmed this video are smart enough to think of that. I would put money on being able to go up there. Ohh and remember when Bungie said there would be plenty of vertical space? Yep..
Then again even without that area there is plenty of verticle space. Cliffsides, plenty of space above the water and the island. So you never know.
Just from what I've heard, it sounds like bungie is going to use default/undeletable soft kill zones to block off maps. If that's the case, glitching out won't do any good, because if you're outside the zone, then you're dead anyways, no matter how far out you manage to glitch.
I really hope we can get up there. I hope we can get all the way onto mount forge. That would be amazing.
I seriously doubt the areas on "mount forge" are going to be playable. For starters Bungie has said nothing about it being reachable. Fast forward to 1:30. THIS