I think Forge Hub mini game maps would make a great playlist. I don't think that we would be able to include competitive maps, but it would still be great fun and variety. You could use Tremors, Cat and Mouse, Hobo Heights, Barrel Blaster, Crate Frenzy, and some others. They could throw in a dodgeball map too.
Yea. There are only a few problems about the cat and mouse and tremors though. Those two use honor rules.
Not really. Unless the defenders are so dumb that they let their vehicles get taken, then you can't cheat. They might not be completely fool proof, but they would be acceptable for social IMO.
Well no they can be cheated. For example Cat and Mouse... you cant shoot until 1 minute remaining. Also you could just hop onto the wraith and stay their. And tremors... the tremors can shoot. So yes honor rules apply with those.
I would like an improved version of Zombies. Forged maps would be nice too. Many could be implemented, but not many will since Bungie probably won't include Forge made maps.
Really? That's probably the best idea Bungie will implement into Double EXP weekends. I also thought of another one, altered maps for team objective based games. I'm getting tired of slayer, and I would really like to work on my CTF and KOTH game. I kind suck at all of those, lol.
...Shotty Splazers. A version of Shotty Snipers, except the Snipers are now Spartan Lasers. Or have a weapon-wars type of game, like Hammers vs. Swords, or something like that. You can actually do that, just with a VIP variant, not a Slayer variant. It eliminates honor rules of switching your designated team weapon. You could give certain advantages and disadvantages to the team with each weapon, like giving the ability to give people with Hammers the ability to jump higher, or something like that. On a side note, I'm a Demon on post rank, yay!!! I feel geeky...
Yes. Team lasers would indeed be epic. Try lasers and shotties with 3x overshield (could also include sniping weapons on map or recharging grenades for extra amusement). But seriously bungie, how could you make a gametype for shotty snipers and not include shotty lasers. 1 v 1 laser duels are intense. Or at least substitute lasers for team duals in social, cause duals gets vetoed about 96% of the time. EDIT: wait, looks like spartan_r14 beat me to it...
i want ranked team snipes no shields, but 2000% damage reciestance, and 200% damage increased or whatever its called
If Bungie just had the balls to use any of their "Bungie Favorites" In double EXP., that would be the day. Until then, we have TGIF, which is better than Double EXP.
ForgeWars! The starting map is mostly blank, it is 5 on 5, and one from each team is a monitor. Each monitor gets 1/2 the inventory, so it is balanced. The monitor needs to give his team the equipment, cover, and weapons needed to survive, and occasionally might splatter someone with a box. Slayer, first to 50