Here's my tip Tsquared: Rule #1: STOP MAKING TIP VIDEOS Honestly, I seen him on MW2, Halo 2, Halo 3 and Now Halo:Reach. You kidding me? Tsquared, only noobs go after rockets within the first 5 seconds. And why are you calling us idiots. You the one making these gay videos. "Hey, Tsquared here! I got the tips to make you look-like a ******" Use Frags! (Yeah, Notice that he had to stay still to stick a controlled player, controlled by him.) Use Noob Combo (Thats So Halo 2) Get the Rockets First! (This coming from an MLG PLayer, Wow! T2 I've seen your videos, My friend (Tea McBaggings) has done more impressive things, I wish I recorded. Like for example, 7 Kills 1 shot (No-Scope), 720' No Scope Headshot (Final Kill), Shotting down a harrier with a Throwing Knife (Shot if a little while with At-4). I've seen better.)
Calm down... These are not supposed to be the most amazing kills ever, they are just tips to help noobs who have no idea what they are doing. And no im not defending T2, but this isnt a montage its a tip video. And im not saying he doesnt do anything nooby either. Thats pretty much all MLG is in any game. The point in MLG is to win so you do what ever it takes to do it. Doesnt matter if you do nooby things or not. And good job your friend got a lucky no-scope, and you cant shoot (not shot) down a harrier with a throwing knife. It just cant happen. Chances are he threw the knife and hit it while someone else was shooting at it and destroyed it, making it look like he got the kill. And before you go on a rant learn how to spell check.
This thread is missing Insane.... Anyway, this video is just to try and teach the helpless noobs who have never played a shooter before and RAGE because they always lose. For that, it does it's job well, although it didn't help me at all.
Mongoose, of all people. I would think this would help you the most! I mean, cmon. You only lose every BR battle you get into.
No one plays the beta (Beta Ended & plus somethings in reach are fixed), secondly I do realize I made a spelling mistake. Shooting not Shotting. Anywho, I don't think I've met 1 person who has never played a shooter in his/her life. So this video is quite useless. Plus its august, how long did it take to make a 1 minute tip video. I know it says Halo:Reach but hes playing the beta.
Woah oh ho ho woah! I know soooooooo many people that not only never played shooter, but have also don't have any consoles. Also remember that reach is a new game and maybe i don't play shooters and this one is going to be my first shooter. I wouldn't know anything so i would appreciate all the help i can get. Some people may not know to aim at the ground when shooting at someone with the rocket launcher. I know some people that always shoot at you and are horrible. Stop trolling because this video could be helpful to people.
I find it funny you guys are determining what is considered "Nooby" when pretty much no one here is on the MLG Pro Circuit. If you had a match against him you'd lose, and no matter how much you ***** and moan about his "Noob" moves, it won't matter because he's making money from playing Halo and you're not.
People are calling it noob because in the sequence of draining one's shields with a Plasma Pistol and finishing off with a headshot to kill them is actually referred to as "The Noob Combo." It's been called that since Halo 2.
Thanks I missed that I was referring to them not something possessive. The 'noob moves' were for the people complaining about the rocket rush and the grenade usage, not the plasma pistol/battle rifle combo.
Yeah, as much as I despise his teachings of duche ways, the things he named are kinda common, except the rushing power weapons, that's all I disagree with due to, everyone uses grenades, we'll all use the rocket if we find it, and plasma pistols aren't so common on maps nowadays.