I like how people in Pacific time think they are getting the update earlier. you're not. We wont have to "wait" for 7:00pm here because it will already be 7:00 when its 4:00pm there. They dont coordinate time into their events guys. On bungie day, everyone lost their flames within 15 minutes. Oh an Frog on stilts, stop being such a stubborn asshole. You can take someone's advice or leave it, doesn't mean you have to argue with them.
I can't wait to see some **** ass BWU and see all your naggy comments! How is this thread still open? I knew it would just be filled up with "I WISH THIS.." "I WISH THAT!". With gamescon just finished, it will most likely be photos of the event. Talking about the BWU, jeez, this is taking a while ;l
All I got that was even slightly interesting or on topic from this thread is that Bungie has not yet posted it's thing yet and the 'A Spartan will Rise' video is not it.
The Rumor is that we will get a Forge demo soon. But yeah this update should have been uploaded hours ago :I.
Their is still a chance we'll get one and I bet we will. One time an update was posted at like 9 pacific.
What do you mean by forge demo? Like another vidoc? Or something on the xbl marketplace?(That would be awesome.)
Well with the 5 minutes for every BWU thread policy, I think we'll be waiting till tomorrow. You should see the reach forum.
Like a video, not an actual playable demo, the game comes out in 24 days. I don't think Bungie would do something like that anyway.
OH YEAH. I feel dumb. If this update contains a forge demo video, I will have to break out the lotion.
The Update is up guys, Bungie.net : Bungie Weekly Update: 08/20/10 : 8/20/2010 4:03 PM PDT I didn't need another pair of pants but it was still good :happy: