Very Ambitious Forge World Map Idea (Need Some Help)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WokeUpAsADonut, Aug 20, 2010.

  1. WokeUpAsADonut

    WokeUpAsADonut Forerunner

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    Ok, so I'm not the biggest planning guy ever so I kinda just write down basic ideas for maps that I make (So no design pictures, sorry) but this one, is easily going to be the most difficult.


    Its a 4v4 slayer or FFA type map, I plan on building it in the sky over Forge World, however I can't simply build one map for this, my idea is that there will be 3 maps...

    Map 1: Starting map with only UNSC weapons
    Map 2: Exact same map layout of map but with Covenant weapons
    Map 3: A different layout map with mixed weapons

    Now, the way you would travel from map to map, is after X amount of time, a teleporter with a radius completely covering the map spawns and teleports all the players to the second map where (If possible) spawn points with a delayed spawn have just spawned too.
    Now the original spawn points were a problem in my thinking for a bit but then I thought, would a block placed over a spawn point stop a player from spawning?
    I need some confirmation of yes or no on that because if no I need another way to make those spawn points no longer spawn players.

    The same thing would occur after another X minutes and teleport all the players to ABOVE a new map with a completely different layout. However to prevent players falling to their deaths, everywhere there was a walkway or land on the previous map, there will have to be something there on this one.

    Now, I have a few questions about it I need you guys help with,
    How do I 'disable' spawn points?
    And does anyone know what the longest delayed spawn is?

    Also any tips or feedback would be greatly appreciated too.
  2. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You can't disable Spawn Points to my knowledge. However, the blocks over Spawn Points would work. I'd say wait for Reach to come out and then try what you wanna try. It'll be much easier.
  3. WokeUpAsADonut

    WokeUpAsADonut Forerunner

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    Ok cool thanks I just wasn't sure about the blocks thing
  4. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    anything over a spawn point that is immovable to my knowledge disables a spawn point, I'm very interested to see what this will be like, but i think that due to its changing nature that some people wont like it.
  5. WokeUpAsADonut

    WokeUpAsADonut Forerunner

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    Yeah that changing nature is what made me think of it, after seeing the teleporter radius video i thought, well I'll make a map where those people who know the exact quickest route to every power weapon just get screwed. And thus, this.

    I think the tough part of it is going to be making the 3rd map. I have a basic design for my first map but the last one is going to be tough seeing as i need to have ground everywhere theres ground in the first 2.
  6. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    I like that! The only problem might be with coming out the other end.

    One use I can think of for that is for use in those Infection maps which were long corridors and the humans have to hold off the zombies until the teleporter route spawns to take them to the next corridor.
    It would be like having different levels. 1 minute on Level 1, then 2 teleporters spawn, 1 to teleport the humans to one part of Level 2 and another to teleport the zombies to another part.

    As for your spawn point problem, Reach has Anti Respawn Areas. Have one of those spawn at the same time as the teleporter and that should stop anyone spawning there. And if they do they'll just be teleporter to the new map!
  7. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    It is for sure that you can have a teleport spawn in the game by selecting the spawn at start "no" and then giving it a specified time to spawn?
  8. WokeUpAsADonut

    WokeUpAsADonut Forerunner

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    Well I don't see why not, everything else is able to have a delayed spawn.
    My only worry at this point is what is the max delayed spawn time because if its only like 3 minutes it won't turn out as good as if it were 5

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