Team assigned Mongeese! Just thought I'd share that...And btw, are we still limited to phasing an object no more than halfway?
that was in the first forge world vidoc... no. it can go as far as you want. and if you accidentally go all the way in it just disappears like you never set an object
When I first saw the VidDoc.... Wow, I just jizzed in my pants. The 'Phase' mode, oh my god. That can save so much time, I am so stoked about Reach.
If a mongoose is team assigned, does that stop the other teams from using it or is it just for looks? Cause if its just looks then I know I will make maps where they are all green or something...
Yeah, they said it was purely for looks. Also i cant really see a reason for like forging with people, most group forge experiences i have had included the other people killing me, and deleting what im making.
I have at least one moment everyday where I freak out over reach and realize that I must have it right now and I can't wait any longer. I'm never going to make it until September 14th.
I can't wait either. Sometimes I stay up at night, thinking about Reach, not able to fall asleep. When I go to bed September 13th, im going to take some sleeping pills because if I don't, I'll be up until four A.M. I also believe the team is just for looks. Just to designate which team it is for.
Can anyone explain the weak and anti respawn zones to me? I've never been great with this side of forge.
You havent been forging with the right people then. Its really good to have people give their opinions on what you are making and even build things themselves, and that isnt impossible in halo 3, but it isnt very smooth to say the least
I'm not completely sure and this is a just me guessing, but I think the Weak RZ is where you'll spawn if there's absolutely no where else to spawn by spawn points. And just by going by definition I think the Anti RZ doesn't allow you to spawn in that area period.
Basically this... Let me explain using numbers. Each spawn point starts with a score of 0. Say you get killed near a group of spawn points, A. Across the map, there are another group of spawn points, B. Because you died near A, 50 points are subtracted from those spawn points. Over at B, you have a teammate standing near the spawn points. Because there is a friendly there, 50 points are added to those spawn points, making you more likely to spawn there. Now a respawn area (or zone, as it is now known in Reach) adds 100 points to all of the spawn points it encloses, and can be team specific. The weaker one only adds 50 points. And the anti spawn zone subtracts 50 points, making you less likely to spawn there. I can see the anti spawn zone being used for keeping the red team from spawning in the blue base if you want a strict, non-reversible map. Of course, all of those numbers are just hypothetical, but the game does use similar algorithms to determine where you will spawn.
Cheers cam and mongoose, that clears it up for me. Now I just need to come up with a design worthy of forgeworld.
Here's a beefed up and detailed tutorial on H3 spawns to help supplement any of the knowledge you currently have. I know it's not halo reach, but it should have most of the basics that are applied to reach as well. Then you can implement the predictions that mongoose and camofo gave about the new types of spawn areas.
Do what I'm going to do. Get home on the 13th, go straight to sleep, wake up at around 11pm and go to the store's midnight release, then spend the rest of the day of the 14th playing it.
Does anyone know if objects still shift slightly on the z-axis after saving the map and returning? Or was this fixed?
Madz, now with a coordinate system that has x, y, and z as well as the respective angles, it would be quite hard for a teardrop to incorrectly save.
YouTube - HALO REACH live ingame presentation at Gamescom 2010 in Cologne, Germany a little camplain video from gamescom