So i was on my service record just looking around and i looked at my total games. Campaign 111 Social 629 Ranked 630 Custom 5,296 111+629+630+5,296=6,666 proof It's probably going to change tomorrow, but currently my total games are 6,666. What's your total games
i don't really wanna ***** into your troll but... you know the devils number is 999 not 666 right? it's a misunderstood verse in the bible along with many many others. anyway i'm not here to have a religious debate.
What, was someone reading the bible upside down our something? Anyway, that is kind of creepy, but everyone has to hit that number at some point right?
Now i know, and knowing is half the battle, but how did someone mess that up. What verse is it. Also i found this. I found this to I don't know if this is right.
oh i dunno. but there are a hell of a lot of mistakes in the bible. like when jesus says something like "i will be with you till the end of the earth", that's actualy a mis-translation and it should read "i shall be with you till the end of the age", which is a completely different thing entirely. (ages come round every 2125 years ish...) in other words, jesus will be with us until the year 2125. then he will pass on to a new guy. like when moses passed onto jesus. same thing. --- here we are. watch this.
I wouldn't be surprised if there's mistakes in the bible. It's just a bunch of stories put together into a book. Library translated into spanish is biblioteca.
seriously tho. watch that video. it explains so much and i swear to you it will make you start to look at the world VERY differently.
You are all wrong, the devil's number is 616 but thats irrelevant as I'm an atheist and this is Halo 3 discussion.
i found a better version YouTube - ExhumedByScryingEyes's Channel i know this is a Halo 3 forum but your really need to see this. i can't stress this enough.