this is johnson in his early career. before fighting aliens, he was kickin' ass all over harvest with his auto 12 guage. YouTube - Terry Crews Automatic Shotgun Scene (The Expendables) [HD] as you can see, this is clearly johnson, due to the fact that hes kickin some SERIOUS ass as well as smokin' a cigar! XD
I want to see this movie. I heard it is like sperm mating with sperm in a explosion, but really is this movie good?
I found another clip of Sgt. Johnson... and he's fighting aliens in the Marine Corps! YouTube - Aliens: Apone says, "Another glorious day in the Corps!" YouTube- Aliens (1986) Sgt. Apone - Look in to my eye
To above post by Furious D 18: Win! Too bad he got infected, but unlike when the Flood got him, he got killed that time
my 50 year old dad has seen QUITE a few action movies in his day, and after this one, he claimed to have had seen the best of all of them. and yeah, its f***ing amazing. worth every damn penny, even if your buying over-priced tickets from AMC theaters. --- the mans a TROLL I TELL YA!!! absolutley nothing. ignore his blasphemy.
Well, seeing that he had to be born around 2500... And the technollogy in this video... I toatlly believe that. owai- Edit : Why does he have his shirt off all of the time?
1. randy "the natural" couture has no business in movies 2. "stone cold" steve austin has no business in movies 3. it seems like its trying to be some sort of omage to the 80s action films, but its just horrible 4. the shootouts are boring, the fight choreography is non existent, theres really not even one memorable action movie 5. theres like no blood. seriously, the one thing a movie like this has to get right to even just be bearable, this movie gets wrong. and the worst part is that it a box office hit of course. and scott pilgrim, probably one one only 2 movies that came out this summer that'll be worth a damn a year from now, came in fifth, a dud. i have lost all faith in humanity. if i ever met your father, i would rip off his balls for saying this movie is better than rambo, predator, the terminator, rocky, or any other action movie from the reagan era. or better than more recent action movies, such as the bourne movies. but now im off topic...
Because if Johnson wore a shirt; it would counter contrast his arms/wrists. Quite the opposite of white people and black/dark shirts.