COULD A MOD PLEASE LOCK THIS THREAD? IT'S NOT THAT I DON'T WANT THE THREAD TO BE UP ANYMORE, IT'S JUST THAT A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE SPAMMING AND ASKING QUESTIONS THAT I DON'T HAVE THE ANSWER FOR. Here are the official Matchmaking playlists Bungie announced at GamesCom. Note that the playlists could be slightly changed before the release of the game. *=Category -=Playlist *The Arena -Arena Slayer -Arena Objective -Arena Big Team -Arena Free For All *General -Grab Bag -Free For All -Big Team -Invasion -Infection (!!!) -Race (will most likely include the gametypes Race AND Rally) -Customs (player-created maps and gametypes, probably won't be active right away cuz there will be no customs ) *Firefight -Easy -Normal -Heroic -Legendary *Double Credits Weekend Btw, don't ask for "proof", because I don't have any. I was at GamesCom myself, so what I'm telling you is first-hand information. If you don't want to believe me, then that's just too bad, cuz I'll be proven right on September 14th.
sweet, I can't wait to play some customs, and infection will be a great pass time, so happy they made it permanent! I'm so happy! =']
Well unless you can find footage of the announcment at GameCom, then I'm afraid not. But I was at GameCom, so I'm my source.
Go for it, but hear me out, there are a lot of n00bs on the forums, and they will think you're lying cuz you don't have physical proof such as a video or whatever.
Oh hell yes they have "customs". I'm hoping this is in matchmaking, similar to Halo CE where you choose what game you want to be in.
infection is a playlist and grifball isn't? bullshit. double cR weekends makes up for it though. don't have to play 1000 games for my final helmet attachment
Grifball will probably show up in either Customs or Double Credits Weekend, or both. I think Grifball is too specific to have it's own playlist. The whole playlist would be one map and one gametype.
DO you have proof?!!! J/k lol I just thought it would be funny to say that. Anyways, thanks for sharing, I've been waiting for a while to see this.
Yes! Infection is now a playlist! Finally I was just viewing a thread that was based on wether Infection should be a playlist or not. But thank you, Infection for the win, infection is my favorite. Also Customs YES! Technically everything is a Yes.
Matchmaking will be fun. Glad to see that they are gonna be doing Double cR right off the bat. I'll actually want the boost in XP (cR) this time. At least now it'll be good for something.
LOL, just thought of something.... what in the world will it make us play in 'Customs' before any user-created maps come out?
Regarding Grifball Ummm, Have you seen Halo 3's Grifball lineup? Looks like much more than one gametype and one map to me: That being said a Grifball Playlist may make itself apparent when more courts are available. And hopefully you'll be able to find some of mine in Reach as well.