so. i've on many occasions and on many different Halo games one shot killed a hunter (on normal difficulty, in Halo CE i used a pistol and on all the other Halo games i used a sniper, one shot on the back kills it). however, my friend claims that it's not possible. i don't have a video but i'll probs try and put one up ASAP. please prove my friend wrong. i know it possible and i've done it several times. either that or supply evidence to prove me wrong.
I think its possible- but I've never done it. I have two shotted those asshole brute chieftans though, one plasma overcharge, shields drop, one pistal to the head
i distinctly remember doing it on Halo CE with a pistol. specifically, on the level The Cartographer. and i did it with a Sniper 3 days ago when i was playing ODST. i remember doing it on Halo 3 with a Sniper on that level when you first arrive on the Ark and you start with a Sniper. and i think i've done it on Halo 2, aswell.
Lol same here! Usually I'm like hey look a hunter- WARTHOG SMASH! But what would definitely do it is a rocket to the back.
LOL it is one of the most satisfying campaign/firefight splatters. i also love running over crowds of grunts. just remembered, i used to save my stickies in firefight for the hunters, i'm pretty sure its 3 sticky grenades and they are done
YouTube - how to kill a Legendary level Hunter in Halo Combat Evolved. The easy way. I saw a great tutorial one week ago but I couldn't find it, it is possible, in all Halo games on all difficulties
I know on normal difficulty a rocket can one hit kill a hunter if it hits anywhere --- Also a shotty on Halo CE finds every ***** in its armor
that's exactly what i used to do! in that exact place. lol. thanks for the support guys. i remeber trying to run a Hunter over in a warthog in Halo 2 and when i succeeded i was liek "OMG it worked!!" --- i used a single sniper bullet to either the exposed orange part on the back, or the orange exposed part on nape of their neck (essentially a head shot)
i just spoke to my mate. he says rockets and warthogs are obvious. he's manly just complaining about the one shot snipe thing. anyone have a video?