Yea bro you got it all wrong. Noble 6 is a spartan-III and master chief is a spartan-II. And we could tell if he actually was a spartan-II, just look at the difference between Jorge and everybody else. and we are saying maybe somebody else survived reach
Actually, a couple spartans survived Reach. And the spartans who did went on to help Dr. Halsey on some weird side mission to get a forerunner artifact that altered time. IIRC.
Seriousley why does everyone say that "everything" is taken from mw2. And by "everything" i mean just a lot of different aspects of almost every game has people saying it was taken from mw2. Juns voice is deffiantley not your average british accent if he is considered "british" He has more an oriental/russian/latin kind of accent. But back to my point, is modern warfare the only game that can have a british dude in it. Its not like modern warfare was the first game to ever come out and came up with all these amazing features, and now every game is just copying. MW2 was a failure theres nothing in that game even worth copying So please dont ever say a game takes something from modern warfare, unless its an exact copy.
first of all, he said mw, not mw2. mw was an amazing game. second of all, calm down and dont worry about it, i dont think he was serious. and i would like to know why theres all that black ink
Multiple spartans survived reach, A couple of spartans on the dirt such as Kelley (John's closest friend and member of blue team with john). Other spartans not on reach survived, such as Grey Team which was deployed into deep covenant space as well as spartan's on Onyx.
But I did say I might be wrong. Also if they didn't take anything from MW2 or any of the Call of Duty Games, Why is there Classes? I know there are other games but Call of Duty was out in 2002. Also I noticed something new. You know how 4 player Co-op is right, well imagine that all of them have Recon Armor and Flames. Wouldn't that crash the game? I know Bungie talked about the Videos don't show your flames, but in story, wouldn't that end up like the Firebombs in Multiplayer.
Yep and the first medal of honor game came out in 1999. And its not like just because cod was one of the first to implement a class system doesnt any other game that uses classes copied them. Its really not the most unique idea ever. And you can barely say halo reach has a class system. The only difference between each class in regular multiplayer games (not invasion or firefight) is the armor ability. So dont say they copied cod, because they didnt. And im assuming Bungie has done some special networking or something to prevent lag from happening in campaign with flaming helmets. Or at least i hope so because me and 3 of my other friends are all getting legendary edition and that would suck to have to take the flames off if it causes to much lag.
Well Noble Six still could be Master Chief! How can you tell for sure that he's a Spartan-III? If Noble Six was Master Chief, Reach would have the best ending in the history of Halo. I know what I'm saying is pretty far-fetched, but who knows? Bungie is known for pulling **** like that.
bungie said that hes a spartan 3... end of story. Yes Bungie is sneaky but not as sneaky as everyone says them to be. They are quite overrated in that aspect. They arent going to lie to us.
You never know. They could have said he was a Spartan-III to prevent people from coming up with the idea that Noble Six is Master Chief because it would give it away. Or, like I said earlier, maybe in the context of Reach's story, Noble Six is thought to be a Spartan-III but turns out to be a Spartan-II.
Bungie follows the Halo Bible. Master Chief was not part of Noble team during any time in his life, and was on a mission with James and Linda at the time when Noble Team was doing their job.
Show me this so called 'Halo Bible'! Lol jk. Either way we won't know who Noble Six is or if he has a secret identity until the release of Reach. But this thread is about the ViDoc, not about whether or not Noble Six is Master Chief. If anyone wants to continue the discussion, feel free to create a thread for it. But as for this thread, let's get back on topic, people!
go back to page 4 and my post pretty much explains the ViDoc to an almost truthful scale. What I mean by that is, we will have to see if I'm correct when the game comes out.
i think we can all agree that its pretty obvious halsey is speaking to an AI that she created, briefly going through the members of noble team because the AI is choosing a spartan to be paired with, like cortana chose chief.
its funny to me that no one seems to have considered the possibility that Noble 6 will die too. everyone is gonna die at the end. noble 6 is not master chief.
eh i think noble 6 survives. in the novel first strike (i think thats the one, i get the books confused) chief returns to reach after the events of halo ce and finds several spartans who survived. those spartans accompany halsey on some mission that i forget.
I don't know whether to classify the next paragraph as a spoiler or not (more like a repost of an ignored post on page 4 -__- ) Dr. Halsey is in her office talking to Cortana's big sister (Kalmiya) at CASTLE Base. Kalmiya goes over noble team, and at the end she made her choice and Dr. Halsey says "great minds think alike" cause she made the AI and whatnot.