All the achievements have been realised by bungie through a weekly update. sorry man. the only firefight acheivements are Get a Killionare and get 100k in points get 250k "" get 300k "" get 500k "" get 1 million ""
I just realized this. Considering the reduce speed required for a splatter in the beta, the forklift may be capable of splattering enemies, at least grunts.
I wanted to do this on GTA 4 but it's multiplayer sucks so now I ask you, WHO WANTS TO DO SOME FORKLIFT JOUSTING???
I could see the forklift making a strategic advantage to a team if the prongs can slide under crates, letting players pick up the object. It would be like allowing players to build small forts as if they were playing a somewhat simplistic Forge mode.
BEST IDEA EVAR! Forklift > Warthog!! Honestly who ever came up with that Idea should get a promotion!
The forklift in the video takes a ton of damage before the driver dies and the forklift doesn't appear to explode. It might actually be useful to build defenses in firefight, especially if it is that sturdy.
Guys. Don't expect forklifts or other civilian vehicles to be released in forge. They showed us the FULL palette of Forge world, and if you look closely, there are no civilian vehicles whatsoever. No crying when there is no forky in forge, k?
You can forge forky on Powerhouse.They could only fit so many objects into forge world,and military vehicles had a higher priority over civilian vehicles.
It is forge-able,at least one Bungie employee confirmed that civilian vehicles will be forge-able on other maps,one such example is forky being able to be spawned on Powerhouse.