Is it possible...

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by MrSchnoo, Aug 18, 2010.

  1. MrSchnoo

    MrSchnoo Forerunner

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    Hey I'm new, so I thought I should share an idea I thought of as my first post.​

    My idea at the moment is just a theory, as i do not have the means to test it. I do not know if the mechanics required are in the final game.​

    My idea utilises the Hologram ability, instead of going to activate a switch, you could fire the hologram to do it for you or you could use it to test a path for traps. I think it would be a good idea because it could allow you essentialy do 2 things at once. ​

    For example. You come to a crossroad in a puzzle map, down one side is a closed door. Down the other is the switch to open said door. The switch only opens the door for a few seconds. So you can't do it manualy. So you send the hologram to do it while you wait by the door. Once the hologram activates the switch (Pressure pad or something) you can go through the door.​

    So, do you like my idea?​
    #1 MrSchnoo, Aug 18, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2010
  2. Turkeys4Life

    Turkeys4Life Ancient
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    If the Hologram's can pick up custom power ups than yes, your plan would work. But we do not know how they react to the environment exactly so your just going to have to wait for the full game.
  3. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    EDIT: ^ Hmm, good point, hadn't thought of it like that. Are there other ways of having pressure activated switches?

    Sounds like a nice idea, and from the gameplay videos I've seen it looks like holograms are capable of interacting with scenery and objects just like a regular player. Obviously not in terms of actively interacting (like an RB switch or something) but I'd guess a pressure switch should work fine. Good luck making this a reality, it could potentially present some interesting options for varying applications.
  4. frog on stilts

    frog on stilts Ancient
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    One of Ching Chong Kid's switches (I think it's called Containment) activated solely on the presence of a player. It could be that a hologram would hold this same presence, if so then this could be an awesome part of a puzzle map.
  5. MrSchnoo

    MrSchnoo Forerunner

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    That's what I was hoping for.
  6. Megadoug

    Megadoug Forerunner

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    XD Sounds like the movie Next with Nicolas Cage.
  7. Valor1204

    Valor1204 Forerunner

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    I believe in one of the Firefight videos, a Spartan walked right through a hologram, so I'm not sure what will happen with the switch.
  8. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    It will most likely depend on what kind of switch it is. For example, if there's a pallet that needs to be pushed, the hologram can probably do that. But if it's something where you need to shoot, melee, jump, etc., the hologram probably won't be able to do that. Don't quote me on this, though, cuz I don't know exactly how the hologram works yet, and neither will 99.99% of the folks on here. (supposedly some people got the game early and already have Reach, damn them)
    #8 jameslieb1, Aug 18, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2010
  9. Valor1204

    Valor1204 Forerunner

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    The Hologram just moved forward which ever way you're facing. It will stop at a certain point and you will know where it stops, because there will be a marker showing the hologram sign. It just walks, it can't melee or shoot or etc.
  10. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    it is a HOLOGRAM, not a physical clone.
    how is it going to push a switch? its just an image, not a tangible object. not a robot that you control.
    of course, no one knows for sure until release but... common sense here tells me that a hologram cant activate a pressure controlled switch or push a button.
  11. SniperViper76

    SniperViper76 Forerunner

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    but it can be shot...
    Like we all say, were going to have to wait..or until someone gives us a juicy tid bit
  12. SilverWolf

    SilverWolf Ancient
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    I think that a hologram would be able to move a wire trap (chain of moveable objects) but nothing more than that, and it wouldn't be much of a challenge because a bullet can accomplish the same goal.
  13. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Unless the objects were behind a shield door...

    Anyway it might, MIGHT, be able to activate a pressure switch, but I'm pretty sure pressure switches (in Halo 3 at least) are a one time deal. I've not known anyone to make a pressure switch that resets, so I don't see how you could make it a puzzle because you would only get one shot at it and then you'd be screwed (not a good thing to do in puzzle maps)

    I'll be looking into using holograms for some type of puzzle when reach comes out though. I need to analyse in detail what they are and aren't capable of.
  14. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    Im no genius in how this will work but if the hologram has to work with the enviroment as shown on one of the videos how the hologram elite walked down the ramp. Im not sure but you would think that it would have some kind of weight? If it didn't have weight wouldn't it just float?
  15. Random1

    Random1 Forerunner

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    Only interacts with static object, otherwise it couldn't walk through people.
  16. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    It will work with wire switches definatley.

    Wire switches work because hitdetection is turned on them. Hit detection is also used for stopping players walking through walls etc. This means that because the hologram doesn't walk through walls, therefore the holograms have hit detection on them, therefore they can activate wire switches. So yes, pressure switches will work when touched by a hologram.

    BTW, nice idea! I honestly never thought of this.
  17. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    It may actually activate "wire tech." By spawning a man cannon after delayed, it won't shoot the fusion coil until the fusion coil is physically "touched" by a player or moving object. What is cool is that you can make a line of objects that carry your "touch" through them all the way to the fusion coil to wake them up. I would assume that a pallet would "unsettle" from a hologram walking by/on it. Only time will tell.

    Here is my basic trigger guide which includes a wire switch with pictures, in case my text wasn't good enough for you. Link (sorry about the XF link, I guess I didn't post this one on FH because my first one got no responses here :/ )

    Edit: beat me B3NW :p
  18. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Yah, I did. & As I explained in my post. It will work for the reason I posted.
    I've also shown the wire tech will be available in reach as well in another thread.
  19. fluffyroks

    fluffyroks Forerunner

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    the holo gram will be able to activate a wire tech trap/switch. in some of the video's when a hologram hit railing or a wall it would continue to try to reach its objective point by walking into the wall or sliding across it. So lets just imagine a long hallway you come into you can go left or right. Left leads to a shield door protecting a pallet, to the right you find a door you can't get through. So you send the hologram down the hallway it may or may not deactivate any traps along the way, but it will touch the pallet thus activating any switch or trap you had in mind using wire tech. point proved lets move on.

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