when on avalanche you go for overshields and shotty before the snipe when you grab a banshee right of the bat on valhala even though the other teams spawns right beside a missle pod when you betray to get the sniper then get no kills when you swap your BR for an AR
If you insist you have made pretty much every single popular map ever and that everyone just took credit for your maps lolzor. if you get mad for getting kicked because you still don't have all the map packs, insisting their a waste of money. If you say you carried your team because you got the most kills, later finding out you went the most negative by 6 deaths and then quickly backing out to avoid humiliation. if you call someone bad just because they went negative. PS. it is physically impossible for everyone in a game to go positive. If you put 8 MLG pro's in a game i can promise 1. at least 1 of them will go negative 2. that does not make them bad If you call someone a BK after they killed you. regardless of how they did it that is completely contradicting. If you call someone a noob because they say "the game is lagging for me" you say "yeagh right your just bad, everyone has green bars". PS. Green bar can still be up to a 200 ms lag. ? if the game is lagging how can you trust what the connection bars say lol? If you tell someone to shutup continuosly, ignoring the fact that a mute option exists. If you don't have a mic If your team loses a "team doubles" game and then challenges them to a "2v2". If you have ever "challenged" someone to a 1v1. If you ever tell your team your excuse for dying "oh my god im lagging" "why did my beat down not kill him". PS. your team doesn't care why you died And finally the sure sign of a noob is if you have ever "seriously" called someone a Noob Bad Kid BK Scrub etc.
If you talk a lot, even if no one is listening or are telling you to shut it, which makes you talk more. I'm sure that's been said but it's just so terrible that I must say it again!
if ur fileshare is blank if ur fileshare does not impress me or make me laugh if u've never played the campaign, only multiplayer if u've only played halo and call of duty if u call someone a bk
Wait- Your a noob if you go for snipes? er... -Send a message to all of your friends that you got recon -Wear the scout helmet jk -Buy an account. -Send a message if you see someone on Bungie day have a flaming helmet, and think they are a Bungie member, and ask for it... >.> -And, squek.
-Revenge TK because of an accient -Insist that every TK was on purpose -Drop and pick up the flag constantly, and call it a "technique" -Obsess over power weapons -Forge a map that is nothing but teleporters -Throw a nade in a bubblesheild
-Noobs that have a warped sense of what a noob is. such as: "squeakers": I have some friends that sound like they are 6 years old and could probably make most people cry... Also what does voice pitch have to do with skill and common sense? Exactly... "If you call people a BK": I could probably call a ton of people trash, BK, scrub, etc... and still beat them horribly. In fact, the reason people call others a "BK" is because they just won a game by destroying the BKs... "If you betray (insert reason here)" : I teamkill for fun. Nuff said. It is really entertaining to watch kids get incredibly ticked off so they can take out their rage by failing to trash talk and then whining on forums afterwards... Does that make me bad at Halo? No... As you can see... most people are calling others noobs for doing things that have nothing to do with skill and more of just personal anger towards a specific group of people...
-If you think getting a triple-kill is a big accomplishment -If the only Custom Game you play is Fat Kid -If you watch Arrival on Legendary so your Campaign symbol is 'Legendary in progress' -If you freak out whenever you see someone with Recon
>If you cant crouch jump >If you cant drive the warhog >If you cant look and walk at the same time >If you just stay on the ghost the whole game >If you camp >If you use the needler >If you boot on accidental Team Kills >If you stick your self with a plasma >If you Forge a map with just a giant pile of weapons in the middle >If you boost >If you get killed by the turrets on snowbound >If you are me >If you use a turret THE END
If your favourite 2x xp weekend is living dead. If you use the noob combo. 1f u tihnk T3h cmap1ng r teh l3gitz MLG s7r4tege3z ^If your gamertag is like type like that. If your gamertag is something like killer43565 or SPARTAN35356 or XSNIPEZPROX or xXMLGBRPROXx If you think you can get a headshot with a shotgun. If you buy a 50.
If your banshee gets splattered by a chopper...and you weren't anywhere near the ground If you get boarded out of the lifts on Valhalla If you get splattered out of the lifts on Valhalla If you destroy your banshee by crashing into something If you drive over a trip mine If you get rocket sniped
lol If you message well known players for recon. If you think getting recon takes skill. If you wear full recon, full hayabusa, katana with recon, etc.
You play MW2. If you think MW2 takes skill. If you can't get recon. If you think Hayabusa is the coolest armor ever because it looks like a ninja.
i lold pretty bad when i saw that. And how is playing music threw your mic been a noob? hell i was singing once.
90% of people don't want to hear your taste in music when they play Halo. It's rude as hell. - Trying to hook up with a guy in postgame when you have a negative K/D - Asking to one-on-one somebody in postgame - Talking at all in postgame
I get your point on how its rude but, i didn't mean loudly, normaly i have my speakers turn up pretty loud but not much sould woulfd go into the mic and if i have a song with swearing and crap on i mute. I only have music on when im with my m8s. But how is that been a noob you tell me
A lot of people try to get people to listen to music by playing it through their mic, but they're to nooby to know it sounds like **** being scraped off a guitar.
I've tried and been THIS close D: If you don't give credit to your good teammates. If you don't acknowledge when the opposing simply out played you. i.e saying good game after a good game. If you play BR Snipe customs and shout saying ever kill you get is a NOSCOOOOOPE. If you don't understand a set up, or why rushing on any map is bad. If you kill for any weapon. (I personally hate that ****) If you play MW2 and say it makes you better at Halo.