Wondering if anyone hear likes to crank up some tunes when they're playing without friends. I like to turn on old thrasher Metallica, and there's a noticeable increase in my K/D. Any recommendations or just what you listen to is welcome.
Nope. I suck if I can't hear the game audio. When I Forge, however, if I'm alone I will ALWAYS have my iPod on and playing some jams. Can't forge without it.
During Forging only, and it's mostly the Chili Peppers, sometimes movie or game OSTs. When it's splitscreen on MM it's usually hip-hop/rap. It helps us kick ass. I don't know why.
usually during Matchmaking i don't have it on becuase it leaves you at a disadvantage not being able to here man cannon's, etc. But when i forge i usually have it on just because In my head i make up my own music video's for song's and then try to translate those ideas into map's. And since everyone else has listed a band. Recently The band i've listened to is "Them Crooked Vultures"
More so on cod than halo, because you don't need to hear things in CoD. And it's usually Led Zeppelin, or Boston or Some other classic rock band.
Only when I'm forging or playing customs. but when it comes to matchmaking, I need to pay 110% attention to the game and my teammates.
My Dark Side of The Moon is always on during a serious match, Wolfmother or Avenged Sevenfold for FFA, and whatever the hell I feel like for forge and relaxed matchmaking.
I jam and listen to my favorite bands! I love Rock! All my favorite bands are listed in my bio! I will list the ones i listen to when I play Halo if nobody is on or I'm bored. Motley Crue, KISS, Nickleback, and AC/DC!
yeah well, Hendrix is awesome in all, but Nickleback is my mom's favorite band and she listens to it all the time in the car and I just began to like some of the music!
I don't like listening to music and playing games anymore, because i listen to music so much i find it futile to do both at half-effort, when i can enjoy each individually far more. However when i did play Halo a lot, there was always music, and it's invaluable when forging. However Hendrix is win. As you can see my my si... wtf where did my sig go.
I think the only way I can play a game (that i've played many times before) without it getting boring is by having music on. I do everything with music, even when i had to go to the music that one time. Best bathroom break ever!
You always need to hear footsteps and things in cod..Halo 3 is just vehicles or mancannons..not as important. I never listen to music. weather im playing halo sitting on the computer or using my ipod. Thats right using my ipod. I use it for block breaker.
Ya I wish my mom was cool like that. --- Whenever I try to listen to a slow song (like most Floyd) my game is destroyed. It's hard to shoot people while listening to "Any Colour You Like". The song just says, "Hey bro, that guy, he's your pal. Don't shoot him, love him man."
If i made a song it the lyrics would be "Hey *****, that ******, he's your enemy. Shoot him, kill him *****"