very interesting DLC suggestion.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by blackbastud, Aug 17, 2010.

  1. blackbastud

    blackbastud Forerunner

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    before you read this thread, you will want to read this first. : Sense of Scale - Postmortem : 3/11/2010 11:33 AM PST

    blast from the past eh?

    well, here is my idea about this original concept of sandtrap.

    the map shown in those pictures and descriptions goes under the following guidlines :

    ultimate vehicle map
    ultimate invasion map
    perfect for armor abilities and the new guns in reach
    perfect for creating another forgeworld DLC (desert themed)

    this fits all of the guidlines PERFECTLY for halo:reach and would be perfect and would save time for bungie to go back into their old blueprint archives and recreate this map into reach as future DLC.

    ill let you know that this is also proof that invasion was originaly supposed to be put into halo 3, but thats not the point of this discussion.

    now, i have a much more elaborate, more thought out thread on the Bnet, but it unfortunately was drowned out by a bunch of annoying nine year olds rants and ravings about their fanboy game, so you wont find this baby on the front page.

    if you want to see my reasoning in further detail, look here, but note, it is unavailable until the 15th of september:

    ahh yes, i know, the black list wont let you read it. well, hopefully this thread i just made will survive until september 15th so then you CAN read it. (it is definitiely worth the read.)

    i figure forghub would be especially interested in this, since custom games and multiplayer maps was their specialty.

    what i am trying to accomplish is to get this idea somehow seen by bungie, and im hoping that if you guys think it IS a good idea, then forgehub will present it to bungie, and they will also like the idea.

    there are countless amount of reasons that this is a flawless and great idea to be put into reach, and i wish to discuss what you guys think of my find, and idea.

    now, would you like to see sandtrap original in reach?
    #1 blackbastud, Aug 17, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2010
  2. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Their map idea looks good, so maybe it will be included in some dlc. I'm really not sure why you expect bungie to listen to a blacklisted person, or any othe person for that matter. Linking to a thread that cannot be seen is stupid.
  3. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    If they do another forgeworld, it had best not be desert related. I am SICK of desert themed maps! Also, I like that layout way better than what Sandtrap actually turned out to be.
  4. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Do a best of both worlds: Sand, Grass, Ice, etc. All in an area the size of Forge World.
  5. blackbastud

    blackbastud Forerunner

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    as i already said, that thread is for FUTURE reference, if anyone finds a strong enough interest to wait untill then.

    also, i take it your asking me why they would take a swell idea from a blacklisted person like me?


    it isnt my idea, its THEIRS.

    if you didnt notice, I did not write that update.

    I did not tell about an original design for sandtrap.

    this was solely one of bungies lost ideas, and thus one of the strongest reasons to listen to me or anyone else and take this idea OF THEIRS seriously.

    so no please discuss this topic, rather than pick and yank every little critical remark you can out of my thread.
  6. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    I can guarantee you that Bungie won't give us another Desert themed forge map. We've delt with Sandbox long enough and no ones gonna wanna forge with sandstone. Everyone wants straight, clean objects to forge with. I'm sorry, but the likelyness of this happening is zero. And how is this 'perfect' for armor abilities and new weapons?
    #6 cluckinho, Aug 18, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2010
  7. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    I want:

    A. Giant City Forgeworld
    2. Giant Swamp,Marsh, or Forest Forgeworld
    D. Giant Covvy Themed Forgeworld... IN OUTER SPACE!!!

    Seems nice though even if it was just a multiplayer map. I really like the original concept rather than the actual 'sandtrap'. Hopefully they release something good today...
  8. eating lunch

    eating lunch Ancient

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    I would love a High Charity themed Covenant forge world with an area being infested by the Flood, and an area with water and/ or green chemical looking water like we saw often in Halo CE.

    A swamp would be interesting, but I'm not sure of how much variation could be worked into that asthetically or with the terrain. I would still be ok with that.

    A forest in my opinion would be pretty much the same as Forge World since one or two areas of Forge World have a lot of trees, and since Bungie decided not to allow us to be able to place trees for some dumb reason. So I doubt they would let us place trees in a forest themed forge world myself.

    A city forge world would be ok, but Bungie has some pitiful human themed maps if you think about it, which makes me nervous about the idea of them doing a human themed map. I'm thinking about Foundy, Rat's Nest, and Stand Off mostly. Although Foundation was an excellent map, but not because of its asthetics really. It probably would have looked better with a covenant, flood, or forerunner asthetic actually, or even a jungle one maybe. But I would be thrilled with a forge world like Headlong. I'm just doubtful we would get a Headlong-like forge world, and think if Bungie decided on a human city asthetic for a forge world that it would be more like Rat's Nest or Foundry. Plus we had Foundry already, so I kind of want something new.

    And a Covenant asthetic, a swamp asthetic, an icy cold asthetic, a flood asthetic, and a swamp asthetic are all themes we have not had a chance to forge with yet.

    Just my opinion but I agree with you mostly anyway.
  9. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    I am absolutely confused by this post. Maybe thats because I can't read your second link as you have been blacklisted. Could you fill me in because all that you are showing is the creation process of sandtrap which is somewhat old.

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