Halo 2 legendary was pretty hard, especially Co op. I'll be playing on normal to get the story so some idiot posting a spoiler doesn't ruin it for me. Then I'll do solo legendary. Then Co op.
I always do solo easy the first night, then play co-op legendary with friends over the weekend. Eventually I'll get around to doing solo Legendary and take it slow to get the story.
I never understood the concept of playing on easy... first time through or otherwise. Normally, I'd play by myself on heroic, but my buddies and I are throwing an overnight LAN party and taking the whole campaign on at legendary difficulty.
I say Legendary because I'm looking more forward to the multiplayer soooo I would like to play campaign and get it over with
Im gonna start on easy for 2 reasons. 1. Knowing the story, so I dont have to wait a long time to finish on Legendary. 2. In the interview about campaign they said normal is like heroic in halo 3. :O
I'll be playing it on Heroic first. It's the perfect balance between easy and hard. Legendary is for after you've beat the Campaign at least once on a lower difficulty.
Definitely playing through on normal first. I'll conquer Legendary Solo some time down the road. I want to be able to take in the story though, I don't want to miss cool off screen happenings because of an endless swarm of elites.
I'm pretty sure that legendary has never increased the number of spawns, or will. Anyhow, I used to think that legendary was difficult but its simple once you figure out the strategies. I hope it's harder than ODST, though. That was a breeze on legendary.
I'm doing Campaign on Normal the first day, but then doing it later on Legendary. I want to go quickly the first day, that way I can check out some other things. I believe it does increase spawns. I've never really counted enemies, but I've noticed sometimes Shade Turrets in Legendary, that aren't in Normal or Heroic.
I'm gonna be Doing it legendary solo. Anyone who says there gonna do it legendary or legendary solo the first time, We can check when you got the achievements so no lying I want to miss things because of an endless swarm of elites, Because it feels like a actual hard game and your experiencing what the Spartans are with there impossible journey and you wouldn't notice much while trying to do your mission. every time you replay you notice more and more and its more exciting like :O! ive done this 5 times never noticed that wow :O! , instead of just :O! NOTICED EVERYTHING :O! replay already know everything :l, Get what i mean?
With each game, I've always done Legendary Solo first. Then I play it with friends on w/e difficulty they want to do it on. I'm excited though for this campaign, it supposedly is pretty great, or atleast, the intensity of the missions are and stuff, according to Gameinformer.