This is the second installment of my sketchup map DeathDrop. This update is so big it NEEDED it's own thread. Be wary: You will be amazed by the awesomenss that this sketchup beholds. While it doesn't look that eye-catching yet apart from a few things it will be in Reach... It will be... Pics: Overview: There are a few big differences Side View 1: Added House like Room Side View 2: Add House Like Room Closer View of Middle: Big changes here, Huge Structures Added Inside View Mid 1: Same changes as the last above pic Inside View Mid 2: Same as above but from the other side On Wall Pic: Huge Walkway kindof like Sword Base, On Both Sides More of walkway structure: There will be grav lifts up to it Youtube Video: Flythrough of Map YouTube- Halo Reach: Death Drop Map Sketchup So tell me what you think of the new version and how to improve... Also Comment and Rate the video on youtube, also subscribe for more videos when Reach comes out... :rogue: I will not be updating the sketchup any longer, I will most likely edit the main layout once Reach comes out.
It should take most of the budget but if it takes more I know what to cut/make smaller. I am definatey prepared. I am guessing the final price will be around 8000 budget.
Pretty sweet looking. The video helped, though it was really laggy. As for gametypes, would this be more of a Slayer map or an Objective map, such as CTF or Assault? If you think about it, KoTH could work too, so long as the Hills are all on the outside. Just a suggestion. Other than that, looks really nice.
Its a Competetive map so I'll try to make it play for all standard gametypes... FFA probably won't work though. Any Symmetric gametype. Also the vid, do you mean laggy by freezing or me just stop moving? If its the latter thats my amazing skillz.
Looks great! I've always been a fan of 3-dimensional maps. All the more so with Jet Pack thrown into the mix. I did have a hard time wrapping my head around it, I'm sure I can get a better idea when Reach comes out. Take a look at the 2nd picture from the top. What comes to mind is to put a power weapon, (or a semi-power weapon) on the end of the walkway so that people aren't too discouraged to have to walk all the way around it. It looks great! Can't wait to try it out.
Yeah, I hope to have enough budget left over to create some smaller paths to add to the longer ones so It can take less time. I am also going to start designing a map that is inspired by the middle of this one but it will be like 3x bigger and have like 10-14 floors unlike the 8 or 9 now.
holy hell that looks amazing, that is going to be awesome dude, jetpacks will be your best friend there.
Looks great however the only part I dont like is the secong pic. the walkway looks a bit long. I think it would be better if you cut that down a bit.
Yeah. I'm going to add some shorter/more direct walkways so players don't have to walk so much. I'm thinkin BTB Version and a Team Slayer Version... But Im done editing this sketchup for now, I just want some feedback on how people think its going to play, and other stuff like that.
In the secod pic, why do you still have that long, random, and unneccesary walkway? (The one one the left of the 2nd picture.) I mean do you want players to go into the map and actually explore and fight or do you want them to spend their time walking on the little walkway to the end so they can't shoot anyone really. IMO, I think you should connect the path somewhere useful. Just had to get that out, it's benn bugging me since th other post. The map is looking stunning now, though pulling it off with that many walls; you can only have 50. I have a feeling it will be a DMR camp-fest up in the high patrs of the balcony in the center without both another route to get there and the long, unscathed LOS that you have up there. I'm only predicting, gameplay is changed by in-game testing. Good luck with this, look forward to this.
I will probably remove half of that/those walkways when I actually make it. Probably replace with a larger building like the one on the end of the walkways.
Too many walls methinks. Maybe make the floor with blocks instead? --- I say add more cover, and a focus rifle in the power weapon spawn to stop annoying freaks spamming jet-pack everywhere
I might replace some of the walls with Block 5x5 short/wide/tall or whatever it is cuz there like twice the size of double walls... I really don't like how most of the blocks look though... Anyways, GUYS PLEASE GIVE ME SOME FEEDBACK/SUGGGESTIONS! I DON'T CARE FOR REMARKS LIKE "Oh cool" OR "How'd you do that"! NO OFFENSE!
Yes I estimated prices for about an hour yesterday, It will cost me alot but I will have enough to spare. I am suspecting at least $9000 spent. The only problem is that I might need to replace some of the walkway structures because of the Structure object limit, the limit is 12 and I believe I have 16...
The outside path ways look very un-needed and waste budget. Also you'll probably run out of peices/budget before you finish...
No all of that together would be around $9000 also if you read I am going to remove the outer walkway and make it into something more gameplay efficient... Sorry for late reply I thought this thread was dead :/
Sweet mother of god! The map is great. These kind of maps makes me sad, cause my XBL friends don't play competive maps.