Does anybody know that when you walk into the water on Forge World that you die or not? And I mean like deep in the water, not just barely in it.
I still feel like I'm sort of a beginner at forging even though I've been doing it for as long as I've had the halo 3 and I've always loved building stuff my whole life. Like when I was little and I had legos I loved building ****. It was awesome. And I built a fake time machine out of scraps and junk around my friends house. But the only reason I feel like a beginner is because I don't know all of the tricks of forging like geo merging and stuff. I used to just build my maps with what bungie gave me but then I found out about how to make stuff float in mid air like the first time I actually built a map and then just about half a year ago or so I learned to interlock. That's pretty much all I know. And I know a few other little tricks but I still think I could be better
Ok, what does this have to do with halo reach forge. And your able to walk in the water as long as your head doesnt go under.
Duckman, you can never have your head underwater, which means that the death zone starts where your head would be underwater CROUCHING as a Spartan Also, is there any item that would give only visual cover? Like really tall grass...
you cant place scenery such as trees grass and environmental items. IF your talking in game without editing? we just have rocks :/
Darn. I guess I could try making a wall of useless reciever nodes again... that didn't work in H3 though
I'm pretty sure they already said there would be no trees, grass, etc. But we can manipulate rocks in interesting ways, yes? Also, isn't there already a forest like section on Forge World? Just use those trees.
No, in one of the interviews they said that they didn't. They said it's too difficult for them to be placed in such a way that they look realistic.
Oh my, boy has it been a while. I havent touched this site in ages, and whatever old posts i made... i am kind of ashamed of. When i first got wind of forge world, naturally i thought about ForgeHub, and its members reations. Believe it or not, reach forge came to my attention two days ago. =/ Since that time, though, ive been filling my head with as much information as possible. Ive seen every Q&A, ive watched all comicon videos, ive seen all trailers. Ive even spent the better part of the day reading every post in this thread. Yep, all the way from "Forging is easy now!" to "Forging is hard now!". I am now proud to now say that i am just as knowledgeable as everyone else. I do look foward to the future of the site. I for one, do not own an Xbox, but i will most likely have access to about 4 different peoples copies of the game. Now to discussion-ing. *Deep Inhale* I love the new forge. /discussion-ing
Main reason I want tall grass is because it is so fun to have zero visibility sorts of games. Like infection (a replica of that Jurassic Park scene...) or territories with watchtowers over grass...
The other states should be included too D: I'm going to put a wall across the coastline and call It Arizona