Heres a preview of the first map i will be working on for reach: CONTACT. Im open to ideas ad constructive criticism. (NOTE: this map is still under construction) CONTACT DRAFT DRAWING this is my sketch for the maps general idea from an overview...still contemplating what i will do with the bases upper floors and the relic area and "super tower" BIRDS EYE VIEW OF CONTACT Sketch UP this is just the lowest floor of CONTACT no ceilings added yet. pretty dead on with my draft though. RED BASE (LVL B) This is the floor plan for RED BASE LVL B BLUE BASE (LVL B) Loos just like RED BASE except for its flipped and its for the BLUES (the good kind) MID SANCTUM (LOBBY) this is a big open room connecting red bases trenches with blue bases to trenches into a big room will not stay so "open". INNER SANCTUM THIS room will house something awesom along with a teleporter to the "super tower". also the room with the highest ceilings (real high) CATWALK (INITIAL STAGES/SUPER TOWER)this will most likely be the lowest part of the map at one point...and the highest at another. just the intitial making of the catwalk. will eventually lead into super tower , where also the other teleporter will go. (level 2 ramps will be replaced with bridges) FEEDBACK IS WELCOMED Im looking for INSPIRATION for the SUPER TOWER, RED AND BLUE GROUND FLOOR BASE(S), and also the INNER SANCTUM (upper and lower half/is one big room extending two floors openly). any other comments or ideas are also helpful. thanks. and also thanks to MICKRAIDER for the SKETCH UP OBJECTS!
YES. since i dont know exactly what the space is like i havent decided if there is a great area to lay this on the ground or if im just going to put it in the air...which would be ideal. but under the right circumstances this could go real well on the ground with the cat walk part hang over a cliff or something. Im trying to find some inspiration for the OPEN AREAS and unfinished areas. what you see is actually more like a "tunnel system" of sorts to be made under the map itself. (except the catwalk of course)
Bro chill out right now. He will fill in those rooms. this is just a basic layout (which actually looks kinda good if you fill in the rooms with some cool stuff)
WTF is your problem? Who do you think you are saying that his preview is "crap". I would like to see you make a better map. Besides, it's just a preview so what do you expect. You need to chill the f*ck out. Besides, I think it's pretty cool. I really wish I could see more though.
Thanks dudes. Yeah I was just looking for some constructive criticism and ideas, and as stated this is just a floor plan and initial layout. i will post more to this post with more pictures once i get more details and levels. i just started on the second level. once i get some more inspiration for the "open areas" i will also fill those in. IN case your question was directed toward the program that is Google Sketchup. alot of people on ForgeHub are using it to make concepts of maps they want to make on HALO: REACH when it is released. an if it was not directed that way...your criticism is not very constructive.
You are a disgrace. You've made eight posts on this forum and none of them have any substance what so ever. You then have the disrespect to post a comment like this. Why are you even here?
Dude, sorry to tell you... this isn't possible. Why you ask? You can only have 50 walls,doors, and windows combined, and you sir have much more than 50.(I atleast counted to 50 so...) Sorry to burst your creative bubble, but I actually wanted to see what you would've or would come up with, I hope you can get aruond it somehow.
You have to be kidding me? lol. well if that is true i will find a way around it. i will continue to build as is for a great 3D concept and we will see what happens on the 14th.
Map is very flat right now. I would highly highly reccomend some height changes in the floors, even within the same room. Look at The Pit, a lot of places you'll fight from have elevation changes so that the combat is not completely flat.