What will you miss?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Kilr0n, Aug 13, 2010.

  1. Kilr0n

    Kilr0n Ancient
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    Well guys the time is almost upon us. Halo: Reach is coming out on September 14th, which means that this is the last true month for Halo 3. We all now that Reach well bring bigger and better things, but I want to take a look back and ask you guys what you'll miss about Halo 3 or what some of your best memories from it are.

    Here's my list:

    • I'll miss the BR. There I said it. Its been with us for 2 games and I think it will be weird with out it.
    • On a similar note I'll miss Dual Wielding. Its been around since Halo 2 as well but sort of fell out of favor in Halo 3. (Which I don't understand. Plasma Pistol / Magnum still owns, and dual SMGs is still badass)
    • Obviously I'll miss some of the maps, but I'm sure most of them will be remade in Forge at least
    • One of my favorite things is Spartan Laser. Halo 3 was the first game with the laser and it owns. It is the one gun in the whole series that no matter how you kill someone it is still badass! Hell, its so cool its even fun when some kills you with it!
  2. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Laser is in reach.
    Dual wielding broke the basis of halo: Guns-Melee-Grenades, with dual wielding, there was no grenades of melee.

    I myself am going to miss the ridiculous things that happened because of the physics; ie, Tipsta flying about 600m straight up when he got flattened by a brute.
  3. ThunderSpartan9

    ThunderSpartan9 Ancient
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    i will miss everything about halo. but good things are to come in reach
    my moment was when i was playing 4 player campaign on the storm..
    the scarab walked off the building and stepping/splattering on my bruhs in a simultaneous order . DiViiNe Reaper, DiViiNe JaY, and Mc Lovin GiGit..leaving me to kill the scarab by myself, which wasnt hard but, it was funny watching them die
  4. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    I won't miss the BR.

    I WILL miss sandtrap. rats nest. the hornet (pretty sure its completely replaced by the falcon). brute stick grenades in MM and firebombs in custom games. dual wielding (it had its useful moments). double xp weekends, specifically grifball (they might come back though) . FFA hammer sprees on guardian. Driving the hornet on avalanche with a laser passenger, dominating any vehicle that comes in my path. 2 flag heavy on valhalla. 'Nading the fools that go for the rockets on The Pit at the beginning of the match

    I think that's all :)
    #4 IH8YourGamerTag, Aug 15, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2010
  5. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    I'll miss the SMG. If you guys haven't noticed, it's gone from Reach. No pics of it, or anything shown. Unless Bungie has somehow kept it to themselves, it's gone.

    For maps, I'll miss a lot. Standoff was fun on Team Slayer games (Splatter sprees with 'hogs and getting at least 25 wheelman medals (or whatever they are) per game) while Rats Nest was perfect for infection (the infection version of it, anyway). Also, Sandtrap for it's fun when on infection where the humans always get into 'hogs and ride in the dunes, and then starting yelling crazy **** when a zombie's following them.

    And for vehicles, well the only two that are gone is the Hornet and Chopper. I'll miss them both. Flying around in a hornet on Avalanche, blowing up Wraiths and 'hogs was total fun and getting splatter sprees with a chopper by ramming a fully-loaded hog after splattering two other guys was awesome.
  6. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    The chopper. I'll miss it good. Best vehicle ever. The BR can go jump off a cliff, it ruined everything, absolutely no balance.
  7. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    The only thing ill miss is the Chopper. Like said above, it is the greatest vehicle of all time. Although i might miss the flamethrower. Has anyone seen or heard anything about it.
  8. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    - R. I. P. -
    - Chopper -
    - 2007-2010 -​

    In other words, I will miss the Chopper.​
  9. Dark Swerk

    Dark Swerk Ancient
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    Honestly I am ready for a change halo is getting old. I will gladly say goodbye to all of it. Halo was a good game but so far reach is going to be a Great game. After looking at forge world way to much I am just amazed by that like we all are so I am satisfied.
  10. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    The Assault Rifle's been there for 3 games...

    I'll miss the physics.
  11. Kung Fu Jesus

    Kung Fu Jesus Forerunner

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    And chopper.
  12. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
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    Boosters and try-hards XD. But seriously, I'll miss BR. Not because I rely on it, but because I've grown accustom to it.
  13. LD

    LD Ancient
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    I will miss the fact that most map comments refer to the maps looks instead of the gameplay. I had so much fun reading all the 'Great Geomerging, I will DL when I come home' Comments, good times. Now we have to play maps first =(
  14. SniperViper76

    SniperViper76 Forerunner

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    Isnt there something against posting before playing? (Not positive)
    I will miss alot of things...mainly movable objects because from what we know so far...we aint got **** son.
  15. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    People don't know how to read rules.
  16. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
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    The void made by Brute technology first introduced in Halo 3 will hurt most of all. Spike Grenades, Firebombs, Choppers... at least the Gravity Hammer will return.
  17. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    Spam rules in the map forum aren't enforced.

    I will miss the BR though. It will lower the skill level of the game a bit, but it was way to overpowered. If only the ar was a burst weapon :)
    #17 Mischgasm, Aug 21, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2010
  18. Tennach

    Tennach Forerunner

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    my favorite moment in Halo 3 was me and ma bro playing co-op. now we cn't coz he's in uni. (But i'm selling him my xbox and geting the new xbox slim and persuading him to get Reach and an online gamer tag) so we can still do it^^.

    i won't miss the chopper.
    i will miss the infinite ammo, non-overheating chain guns. just because they were funny.
    mis-quote from Red vs Blue:
    "doesn't that thing ever run out of ammo?"
    -a few hours later-

    i'll also miss certain bits of forge 1.0 (mainly the basic flat walls. wtf bungie!? it was our best building blocks!)

    but i fondly look forward to completing my no-scope training on sensitivity 10. just because it's funny ^^
  19. Plasma Rifle Elite

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    I will miss being able to Forge on every map. I'm very disappointed that there are so many epic Reach Firefight maps that we'll never be able to explore in Forge. *cough Glacier cough*
  20. zConviction

    zConviction Ancient
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    Imma miss not having to chose a class at the start, the chopper (for custom gametypes), and most of all... I will miss the difficulty of making maps. Now every noob can make good maps :(

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