Your absolutely right its like they took the re-generator and the bubble shield mated them and made it destroyable YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!
Although hologram looks cool, I have to go with the the jetpack. What's better than raining death upon your foes from the sky?! I also have a lot of maps planned for the jetpack. What he said.
Hologram's gonna be fun. If we're lucky, there might be a glitch that allows you to make a vehicle hologram while in a vehicle.
Lol why does everyone like hologram. Don't want to say you opinion is wrong but when I saw hologram I knew they would have to pair the armor ability with the best weapons in the loudout cause a hologram is pretty useless compared to sprint, jetpack, armor lock, drop shield, and even active camo. IMO of course
I'm anticipating the cloaked, armored, shielded, evasive jet pack armor ability, and it also lets you hit the ground running too btw.
There is no glitch, it's programmed in. Look at the Forge Vidoc again and you'll see the beggining of a race, with over 8 blues on the screen. I reckon you'll be able to use your AA as a passenger. But, I can't imagine Sprint or Evade working on a vehicle. However Jetpack, H-Gram, Camo, Armor Lock and Dropshield would all work with a little creativity. --- Active Camo got a serious buff. Now it's just like H3 Camo, but with a very slight bit more flicker. Look at the Reflection Gameplay where he gets killed by the Sword.
I tend to enjoy the thrill of deception. So when it comes to the AA I'm looking forward to I have to say Active Camo, especially cos I heard it got tweaked, and Hologram.