I realize that Avalanche has made floating, ship shaped structures kind of a tired concept. My excuse for this map is that I made it long before Avalanche was released, so at the time a big floating plane seemed like a pretty novel idea. With that said, here’s the bomber. What makes this map interesting is how you use the bomber to fight the other team. Instead of using mounted turrets, or driving a vehicle off a floating runway, you actually bomb your opponents. Bomb filled Bomber The map was created with one flag in mind. Attackers spawn in their normal position, defenders spawn inside of the bomber. As the defender; look down through the fence floor to see when the flag is being taken. When the enemy grabs the flag simply beat down twice on one of the three pallets to let the bombs fall. There are some fence boxes surrounding the flag, making a kind of hallway that traps the flag carrier beneath the bomber. But it might be good idea to also slow the map carrier down a bit, to give the bombers a larger attack window. Oh, and the attackers have a teleporter in their base, leading to two Banshees. I’ve got the Banshees set to respawn as quickly as possible, giving the attackers plenty of chances to attack the bomber. The map also supports team king. For these kinds of games, when the map switches from asymmetrical to symmetrical mode; the hill replaces the flag below the bomber, the fence boxes below the bomber disappear, as do all the vehicles on the map, and neither team spawns inside the bomber. Instead there are teleporters leading to the bomber placed on the big “1” and “2” disks. The map has never been tested, so any feedback would be appreciated. [FONT="]Bomber[/FONT]
This map is definately an original idea, I like the concept of the person having to actually drop bombs, but is there more to the map than just the plane? Also - do the defenders only spawn in the plane? Because it could definately hurt the defenders' chance to get the flag back if they miss bombing the person.
i love seeing these original forge ideas. its great to see these kool mechanics that not many people would think of. i'm downloading now and this is way better than avalanche stuff, easily
That's awesome. Dropping bombs on people. Problem is, no one would unexpectedly walk under it to bomb
bit more interlocking but as far as aircraft/aesthetic maps this looks better then some of the others
dopping bombs this is a really origional idea that beats any of the floating avalanche maps and the idea of the people on the bomber defending off attacks from litle fighters (banshees) while trying to bomb people makes me emiddiatly think of WW2.
Definately unique. Hands down one of the most unique "airplane/aesthetic" maps I have ever seen. Good job with the bombs too! It needs just a wee bit more interlocking. -The Cheat-
nice idea, and its cool thats its in he air xD could be more interlocked, and the bombs should land somewhere like maybe put man cannons shooting it back to the top of the plane? cuz otherwize its pointless. just my ideas, nice map though =)
Thanks for the compliments. Yeah, it’s just the plane. But I still used my entire budget on this map. And the defenders only spawn in the plane, but they can jump out at any time. The maps win condition would be placed underneath the bomber, either a flag or a hill. So the players would have no choice but to go below the plane. Regarding the lack of interlocking; the plane does look like it wasn’t perfectly interlocked, I agree. Unfortunately, because I needed to keep the inside of the plane very open, I couldn’t really interlock all that much, otherwise the interior would have become a cramped mess. But yeah, I see now that I could have made the connection between the nose and the sides of the plane a little less angular.
haha very nice idea, bombing people. but from the pics i cant see anyway out of the bomber. is there a way to get out of the bomber or do you just stay there and...well bomb people? Edit: Love The Interlocking And Floating.
The front of the bomber is open, there's also a laser there, easy way to take potshots as they approach the flag. The back of the plane is also open, leading to a turret. You can jump up to the top of the bomber from this point. Or you can just jump down the same area where the bombs fall.