Sandbox Rust 82%

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by ArmyStrong Alex, Aug 15, 2010.

  1. ArmyStrong Alex

    ArmyStrong Alex Forerunner

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    Wanna see this map? Look somewhere else because Vantier turned this simple post, with a name that was taken rediculously oversensitive, into a huge arguement. Hopefully this thread is removed because looking at these comments is depressing the ForgeHub atmosphere.
    -Armystrong Alex
    #1 ArmyStrong Alex, Aug 15, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2010
  2. SniperViper76

    SniperViper76 Forerunner

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    Downloaded it and looked around on solo..
    It looks really good but i found that the middle of the up-ramp was easily campable...
    And the mini ledges dont offer much because prone isnt an option.

    Remake 5/5
    Gameplay 3/5
  3. Hat

    Hat Guest

    This looks EXTREMELY easy to escape. It doesn't look like you used to much money so you should be able to fix this.
  4. ArmyStrong Alex

    ArmyStrong Alex Forerunner

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    Yeah escaping the map was a big issue, I think I blocked off all the escapes but if you want you can put on the gametype can try to escape the map yourself. Let me know how it goes, please.
  5. SniperViper76

    SniperViper76 Forerunner

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    Thats why we build in the skybubble when escaping becomes a problem..
    i actually found it easy to escape by grenade jumping off of the the pipes and a few roof tops.
  6. ArmyStrong Alex

    ArmyStrong Alex Forerunner

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    If you're in the CoD gametypes it makes it impossible to grenade hop. ^_^
  7. SniperViper76

    SniperViper76 Forerunner

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    Oh thats fail...
    This was built with cod gamesettings set no?
  8. Vantier Raleigh

    Vantier Raleigh Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Im really srry but this has to be said.

    You should not have posted this.
    It is unoriginal, it has been done before several times and your version does not improve on any of the aspects of the other remakes including mine (rust 72%) (you stole the map name, and are simultaneulsy trying to say it is better by raising the % by 10) that is honestly the most BS thing you could have done dude.
    If possible i would appreciate if you could change the name to something more original because that honestly just really makes me mad that you blatently stole the name like that.

    Also the map looks like it can be escaped in several different places and ways (to many to list) so the competitive possibility of this map is 0/5.

    Also the map download link does not work.

    I will say that it is a decent remake of rust and was decently forged however it should not have been posted.

    PS. Plz change the map name. that is total BS that you stole the name.
    I will forever resent you until this is done. that is all.
    #8 Vantier Raleigh, Aug 15, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2010
  9. CK CUJO

    CK CUJO Ancient
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    You copied off Vantier's map name, for a remake? Low dude, low....
  10. Dulden

    Dulden Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Actually he could call it Rust 82% because it is more realistic then yours with the scenery and the way the map is built. So even though it isn't an original name its pretty much true, and its not like you copyrighted the name. Plus you map wasn't that great.
    #10 Dulden, Aug 15, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2010
  11. Vantier Raleigh

    Vantier Raleigh Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    1.That's still bullshit. You don't take someone's name like that.
    Obviously your not a forger otherwise you would understand why im mad about this.
    Ex. Im pretty sure i would get yelled at if i took the latest featured map for example and posted my own map called "campground's (better Version)". whether it actually is better then it or not is not the point.
    you dont do something like that.
    2. uhh i dont know if you are just trying to back him up but his map is most definately NOT better then mine in playablility or aesthetics. This will be very very clear to anyone that plays mine (Rust 72%) and his.

    I have nothing against the guy that posted this map. I would just appreciate if he would change the name, for reason's i have mentioned before.
    Not only is it Stealing. it is also misleading to people that have downloaded my map and might be excpecting my second version of this map.
    PS. i have no idea who this "vantier owns" guy is i swear on my life lol
    #11 Vantier Raleigh, Aug 15, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2010
  12. Dulden

    Dulden Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Ok, he changed the name. But overall his version is actually better authentically because: 1. You can see much better. 2. The scenery matches far more. 3. He used much more advanced techniques and objects. So it's much more accurate. I know it's your own work but that doesnt mean its the best. Also he did take the name, so im sorry. But also your map wasnt featured and wasnt amazing like camgrounds. And just because it's smaller and you can escape on normal slayer doesnt greatyl reduce the quality.
    #12 Dulden, Aug 15, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2010
  13. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
    Senior Member

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    Ahhhhh the good ol' days of being an immature teenager, I remember those times. Seriously guys, take it somewhere else. This forum is for posting and discussing casual halo maps, not your personal problems. If you want to post your dramatic arguing then post it in the...oh wait, we don't forum for that. If it's completely necessary to bicker and gripe then PM each other instead of making it open to the pubic.

    <3 Skisma
  14. Vantier Raleigh

    Vantier Raleigh Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    1.what do you mean he changed the name? as far as i can see it still say's Rust 82 %.

    2. if youve ever played rust on MW2 you would know that there is low visibility becuase of the dust clouds blowing aroung the map. If the visibility is a problem for you how about u take 5 seconds to change your halo 3 screen setting's higher.

    3."The scenery matches far more". If your talking about the scenery outside of the actual playable area of the map then who cares. that is the last thing you should be worried about during a remake since it has no impact on gameplay. If your talking about scenery in map then that makes no since.

    4."He used much more advanced techniques and objects" what the hell are you talking about. This statement single handedly proves that either

    A. You were with him when he was making it and are most likely his friend which is why you are trying to defend his map, however I have not attacked his map i have simply expressed the selfishness in the map's name.
    B. You are in fact the creator of the map and have made a seperate account to defend you map's becuase your to scared to do it yourself.
    C. You are just a complete idiot who truly has know idea what he's talking about.
    1. the most advanced known forging technique is ghost merging, which i did alot of in this map.
    2. there is no such thing as a more advanced object.

    "Also he did take the name, so im sorry" this statement leads me to beleive that you are most likely the first 2 things i suspect you are (friend,or creator). otherwise you would have no reason to say you are sorry.

    "But also your map wasnt featured and wasnt amazing like camgrounds"
    that statement is completely irrelevant and misses the point of what i said.

    and finally you can get out of the map using the game type he provided as well by butterfly jumping pretty much anywhere along the side of the map. Which does in fact prevent "Competitve" Gameplay, which is what i said if you would have read, and is the reason why i chose to build it in the crypt so that i could use more objects to actually improve actual areas of play rather then using up money on walls around the map just so that people can see some sand, not top priority.

    I am done arguing with you over this post. If you actually have something to say important plz say it to me in person by sending a party chat invite to "Vantier Raleigh"
    #14 Vantier Raleigh, Aug 15, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2010
  15. oO Heartless Oo

    oO Heartless Oo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice Map. It could use a little bit more work make a game type where people dont jump as high or maybe dont put any grenades if anything do both.
    i also remmeber reading where you can make a king of the hill sort of game but you get 1 point for kills 0 for being in the hill and -20 for going outside...
  16. Hat

    Hat Guest

    I can't argue with that because there is only THREE pictures. I think the other persons version of this map was pretty accurate. I could see something in that map and say that's that thing from CoD. It's hard to have a map to be FAR MORE accurate than that. Sure it wasn't to scale, but does that matter?

    Advanced objects?

    Yes it does! It extremely alter the gameplay if some gets a sniper (I don't know if there's one on the map) and gets out on top of the giant hill thing. How easy it is to escape is a big thing looked at. If it's just a wall then that shows that you didn't give a **** about the fun people are going to have and you probably don't understand good gameplay in general.

    Skisma you're right, but if you have a legitimate point to say with stuff backing up I think it's good for people to read that and not just the description the creator has written. Please don't take comments personal ANYONE. Please understand on what you could improve on in a map and not keep posting on how your map is so great. I remember i commented on Dyad with a review and the creator didn't take it personal at all and I love that. All we're trying to do is to help you see how you could improve you're forging skill.
    #16 Hat, Aug 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2010
  17. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    THis is one of the most accurate remakes of rust to date my friend. The aesthetics were great and the merging was clean for the most part. But the gametype bugged me. Its like one of those inaccurate remakes of MW2 with BR shotguns cept it has an SMG.
  18. ShugHeed

    ShugHeed Forerunner

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    Ok, you're map didn't compare to this. compared to this one.i hand it to you, you did have the name first but this defiantly deserves the extra 10% just my opnion. its to big, dark and the tower doesn't resemble anything to the this one or the original. onto topic. i downloaded this and it was a very fun game type and map to play on. but i recommend having the wall raised so it can be played Halo style? but on the whole. Gameplay 8/10 Originality 3/10 Gametype 5/10 Aesthetics 6/10 total 22/40.
    #18 ShugHeed, Aug 16, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2010
  19. ArmyStrong Alex

    ArmyStrong Alex Forerunner

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    The map poste title is a joke! I thought mine was better so I posted it as such.
    Sure you could escape it is youre playing it on slayer and other halo 3 gametypes, thats why there are specific gametypes made to simulate call of duty.
    Also I'd like to thank you for reporting the broken link. The links have been fixed.
    And hey, if you're SOO offended by it then I'll change it.
    Misleading?!Youre openly slandering my map when not only the aesthetics are more similar to Rust but so is the GAMEPLAY BY FAR. You can go ahead and excuse the lump of **** you call a remakeby saying that its "edited for better gameplay" than Rust but youre just lieing to yourself!
    what i did was make a joke name reffering to yours, youre openly saying that mine simply sucks ass. and thats where I draw the line of being tolerant of you!
    Could you play on the map before you make rediculous assumptions? because your comment makes you look stupid as hell.
    #19 ArmyStrong Alex, Aug 16, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2010
  20. Vantier Raleigh

    Vantier Raleigh Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    you are honestly ridiculous kid.

    If you thought my map sucked why would you send me a message on asking if i could check yours out?

    And once and for all I never once said your map sucked or that mine was better in the post that you quoted. I did however do it in a later post because the kid was really making me mad by twisting my words as you just did now.

    All i ever said is that you should not have STOLE my name quote "Not only is it Stealing. it is also misleading to people that have downloaded my map and might be excpecting my second version of this map."

    were in that statement do i saw your map sucks ass?!
    you and the other kid are honestly just spewing garbage out of that hole in your face.

    Ironicly you my friend are actually the only one that has said anything bad about a map quote "the lump of **** you call a remake"

    and just to let you know, none of the comments on this regarding comparisons were true because your map still has 0 downloads according to bungie so..........and no it's not lag becuase there was a map just posted on forge hub with 0 downloads so i downloaded and refreshed and it showed up instantly. Glad to know everyone lied during there comparisons of our maps.

    This is the end. im done talking to you and anyone else that may for some reason be on your side of this. This forum is for discussing map's not yelling back at each other over the internet. you are simply ridiculous, that is all i have to say.

    and just to let you know, none of the comments on this regarding comparisons were true because your map still has 0 downloads according to bungie so..........

    Edit: If a moderator could just actualy delete these last couple posts just to make sure people dont continue to bring this up that would be great. And if you are someone about to post plz dont quote any part of this arguement anymore.

    Actual posts relating to map Below
    #20 Vantier Raleigh, Aug 16, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2010

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