Sandbox Mario Bros Plumb(ing) on a leaky pipe

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Zow Jr, Aug 14, 2010.

  1. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Mario Bros. Plumb(ing) on A leaky pipe
    Created by Zow Jr

    A fun little minigame to try with your friends

    BTW this is part of my map rush for halo 3 b4 reach so these usually take 5 days at most.


    This is not at all related to the original mario and is fan made

    Before the Mushroom kingdom, before the koopas, before any of that stuff including the overly vulnerable princess and the turtle with a fiery case of halitosis, THere was mario. MArio used to work a construction job while his brother was an expert businessman. MArio's girlfriend, Pauline, was kidnapped by some random huge crazy ape, and he constantly had to save her, eventually the ape to interest in someone else, and mario and pauline eventually split ways and mario Quit his job. Luigi was fired for a business error and the Bros one day had an extremely clogged sink. They couldn't call a repairman because of budget so they did A DIY. The sink was so clean, that it cleared up most of the mess in the pipes around their apartment in Brooklyn, and people were astonished. THey decided to make a plumbing business. Ironically their last name was Mario. (Mario Mario and Luigi Mario) SO they called it Mario Brothers Plumbing. With the Motto "You clog it, we clean it" it became the most successful plumbing business in brooklyn. Mario and Luigi were at their house one day and received a call form a withheld number asking they immediately come to clean their pipe. They accepted when they heard a big pay being offered and rushed to the seemingly fake address as fast as possible. When they arrived they saw a blonde lady in an out of style dress and What looked like a talking mushroom with a white 'stache.

    Mushroom dude: Oh ho! So you are the famous Mario Brothers, eh, I am toadsworth, pleased to meet your acquaintance.

    Mario: A pleasure, sir

    Luigi: And who are you ma'am

    Lady: Well my name is Princess peach toadstool and I am the ruler of the kingdom that lies beyond this pipe.

    Mario: Eh, kingdom?

    Toadsworth: Yes, a kingdom, now onto business gentleman, We are unable to transport back to our home because some nasty critters have blocked our pipe and it's breaking and leaking. We need you to rid the pipe of these pests and fix up our pipe so we can return home, Once we do you will receive a Handsome reward.

    Luigi: *dollar sign eyes* Oh boy, reward, now your talking.

    MArio: We will do it. Any pipe, anytime, anywhere, if it's clogged, it's gonna get cleaned, count on us!

    Peach: *claps* OH wonderful. Oh do hurry I have a meeting soon and I can't miss it.

    Mario: Yes ma'am right away!

    Peach: *blows kiss* Go get em Mario Bros.

    When they arrive they see a horrendous sight, the shellcreepers were everywhere and tearing up everything, using drain leaks for a boost they readied themselves to start.

    Mario: This is one hellova cleaning job!


    Hope you liked that little backstory, because the gametype will be even better, I introduce the Map,


    A leaky Pipe. THis goes with the Gametype: Mario Bros. Plumb. This game was made to recreate the feel of playing mario bros and hitting enemies through the floor with some original twists here and there.

    And Now for our Hero, Mario!!!

    He is a BAMFing plumber with a powerful punch which is powerful enough to knock away metal. He has to kill all the shellcreepers before the pipe is destroyed beyond repair.

    Here Are his traits: (listed as necessary)
    125% power
    Gravity Hammer start
    75% speed and gravity
    Forced color red

    Now onto our bad guys,


    The Shellcreepers!! (yes I know they are koopas but this is 8 bit era people, look it up)
    U have destroyed this pipe and are trying to make shelter in it, suddenly this fatass bastard with a cap decides to come in and trash it, and you. You need to try to survive until the pipe caves in sheltering you and keeping him away.

    Here are your traits:
    normal everything but gravity
    Gravity 200%
    Forced color: zombie

    Eventually one of you will be left to asexually reproduce, you are angry and turn purple, like this.

    Nothing changes except for speed and you can take more damage.

    This is an infection game, the infected mario tries to kill the shellcreepers by hitting them through the radio antennas. The shellcreeprs must survive. It's a simple and fun game.

    30 seconds into the game, mario gets Fireballs.

    They help him scope out pinpoint locations to kill shellcreepers, which will die if directly hit. Why the CP? Well mario cannot pickup weapons, but if he grabs the CP he can for 3 secs, so he picks them up. There are spike fireballs that wet more of a trap and can kill lotso shellcreepers in a short time.

    On the top, as shown here[​IMG]
    There are a two ledges that you can hide on, they are great for viewing the cool refreshing leaky sewer water.
    But no one can escape the wrath of mario's fireball madness.

    Here is a view of the inside.

    THis is a super fun game and can is fun when 16 people play. But yes mario can go through the holes he makes in the floor, but there's usually so many people that he gets assassinated. Have fun and enjoy the game. *EDITORZ!* I feel sorry for the one who assassinates Mario because you lose a point. SO have fun then!

    Action shots
    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]fall fail[​IMG]Epic Fail

    --.YouTube - Mario Bros Gameplay vid

    DL and enjoy!

    Download A leaky pipe
    Download Mario Bros. Plumb(ing) [updated no Honor rule version]
    #1 Zow Jr, Aug 14, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2010
  2. InFamousx

    InFamousx Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    "Amazed Facial Expression" Wow, the map and gametype is speechless. First the map, the map merging is clean and flawless, the idea is original and the gametype has Mario for God's sake. I like the idea every bit Mario has to kill all those Shellcreepers before they destroy it beyond damage is nothing but original. Good Job my good sir.
  3. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Thank ya man. I made this after seeing s many minigames made by pros like Meta waddle dee and others. I wanted to make something that would be a lil match for, of not be just as fun as games like blast off and pinball and Hobo heights.I know this may not come all too close but it is fun with a lot of people and it is worth a spot in your Hard drive. (yes I am being kind of bold)
  4. InFamousx

    InFamousx Forerunner

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    As far a I know, this game looks really fun, luckily I have a bunch of friends who play Halo 3 . I just watched the video (which I loved) and was completely blown away. There is one thing though I might ask, what about Luigi? Hes part of the Mario Bros. But whatever, congrats on this game I think it matches with a lot of other games the pros have made. But congrats.
  5. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Well for 2 p mode change settings to 2 zombies at start and no forced color.
  6. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    Wow, this is the second map I've testing un-intentionally (although i would've even if I knew) :p (I was the Elite in the pics)

    This map was a hella fun to play on. Getting a double kill as... Mario? was fun :p
  7. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Yeah thanks for (unintentionally) testing out my map and game. I wish I had more people to test ti but 4 was just fine.
  8. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    No problem ;) and BTW, I didn't like the angles in the gameplay vid. You should change that.
  9. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Can't work without removing walls and that's obviously not a gud idea now is it?
  10. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Ok, thanks I hope this map gets a lot of good reviews even if it doesnt ppl still dl it XP
  11. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    This MAP IS FUN! It gives you Hobo Heights Mario-style :)
    I know so many friends that have your map lol. One question, are the shellcreepers SUPPOSED to assassinate Mario? If not.... HONOR RULE ALERT!!! So many of my freinds have it so I just know I need to download it.
  12. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    OH man hey I need to fix that when you assassinate mario you lose a point. Thanks for finding that I knew I forgot something. But at first they were supposed to. But it turned out to be a problem, so I will fix it. Thanks for the good feedback.
  13. Hugh299

    Hugh299 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    WOOOOOWW, ooh aww and all of the above. This map is extremely fun and HILARIOUS. Not to mentions the cool tower. Veery well done this one will stay in my library, as it is an instant classic.
  14. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Lol Thanks guys. Wow y'all are talking about this like it should be featured and it only took me five days to make this. Is it really that good or are ya just yankin my chain?
  15. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I remember playing this. The problem that I found is that the humans can break the map just by jumping inbetween the radio antennas, also, on a playthrough without you in the game, me and my friends noticed a spartan laser out in the dunes, is that supposed to be there?
  16. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Oh yeah that one little problemo. Again thank you for pointing it out I will be posting a V2 with the holes blocked up. But if you do manage to get out of this map even wiht the blocked off holes then a spartan laser that one of my retarded friends put in their is your reward.
    Thanks for the feedback and yeah I am making a 2p version soon but certain changes to it to fit the map.
  17. Dannn

    Dannn Forerunner

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    Fun map :) good idea and the video was cool :) i liked the intro although basic :)
  18. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    Holes blocked up? As in the little holes the radio antennas come into the pipe from (or should I say, the excess of the radio antennas come out of the pipe from?)?
  19. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    In a sense I am blockign up two parts and It has been done. SO u wanna get out huh? Death to u then lol

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