Helmet: Security Left Shoulder: Security Right Shoulder: Security Chest: EOD Looks beast when walking around with a turret in your hands. Not only do I love the Security helmet and Marathon, I think it's implied in my name that I have to use it.
I used to prefer the security helmet, katana body piece, and scout shoulder pieces. But that was back when there where only a certain amount of achievements, and getting 1000g actually meant something. Then I just kept switching back and forth before different armor pieces until recon was released to the general public.
Recon Recon Recon Owai- I change my armour every game or two, it gives me something before the match.
Head: Security Left Shoulder: Security Right shoulder: Security Chest: EOD (No security chest ):<) **** Yeah
Security helmet and shoulders, EOD chest. Yellow w/ grey detail. I haven't changed it in the last year.
Head: CQB L Shoulder: Security R Shoulder: Security Chest: Katana I DO have most of the helmets, I just decide to wear CQB as i like the design.