U make a point, but I at least want it to be accurate enough to be moderately or slightly effective at range, i.e. being able to strip a DMR user or a sniper's scope momentarily while having to unload a lot more clips to kill them
It used to take 16 shots in Halo 3. In the beta, I could have sworn that it took a clip and a half. (48 shots)
Yea maybe be able to harass them and take them out of scope, but definately it shouldnt be a contest who wins AR vs DMR at range
i dose make sense that it is weaker than in halo 3 because it was made with lesser techno. and it is an old version in reach and in halo 3 it is upgraded. i think it should be average evreything.
I totally agree. Unfortunately thats the problem. THe AR was not average everything in Reach. This person had a spark of genius here, give him a cigar. The AR shud be pumped up until it is average everything.
But the AR sucks though. No, I'm not a try-hard MLG pro kid. But I only use the AR when I have no choice or the enemy is too close for any other weapon. IMO, the AR is only for those kinds of situations, or for kids who can't use other weapons and just spray the living **** out of you.
Again, tis the skill of the one wielding the weapon. Some people simply dont like it because they are bad with it, wether or not they are MLG. I get tons of kills with this weapon using many different methods. If you don't like the AR, ok fine but if it's because you are not good with it. Open up a custom slayer lobby and train with it some more, that's how I learned to properly use a BR and a sniper, both weapons i used to despise simply because I sucked ass with them. The bullet spray is what every automatic weapon has. from the SMG to the PR to the AR. So saying the AR has spray fire is basically pointing out the obvious, kind of like saying the Sniper Rifle has a scope. Again it was never as good of a weapon as it was in Halo CE but it remains one of my favorite weapons. Why? Well I am good with it. If you want to know how that is possible, get together with me and a couple of buddies or just me and you and you will see the light. By the way I can figure out many situations where the AR would be useful besides spray and beatdown. The AR's versatility in my eyes is second only to the BR. --- Well aimed point but I did not use the AR in the same way as H3. Maybe for the first 3 games but the damage count really threw me off even after shields popped. Plus the Accuracy sucked. You could rarely hit sh** any further than the H3 shotgun range (exaggeration) even if you aimed. That was my problem. Recoil, range, and accuracy were to SMG like. if I want the SMG I will play H3
that is where you are wrong my good sir. I do not suck with the AR. In fact, no one sucks with the AR. I only said it's not that good because 95% of the time, people just spray the living **** out of it, run up to you and melee. You can't brag and say that you are good with the AR, because everyone is.
I thought the AR fit quite well in the Reach beta with his two friends, the Melee and Pistol. Combo with a good slap to the face, I found the AR was just as deadly as in Halo 3 to an unshielded opponent. Where the AR lacked in range, the pistol made up for it for the patient player. The only thing was, that the AR felt more like secondary weapon compared to the pistol. I hope they keep the AR as is, with the exception of its bloom; I hope it takes longer to bloom from a continuous spray. That way it would be more effective at a range, but still inferior to the pistol for longer ranges. One can only dream...
Forgive me, I wasn't clear. I actually said I was good with the AR. No that isn't true. I am actually beast with it (not that it really is on subject right now) I am not bragging about my own skill, sorry if it came off as that. But so everyone is "good" with the AR, that means everyone has learned how to use it. Most may only know one strategy with it but then again most only know about two with the BR. Ok so maybe you and everyone else is "good" with the AR, but it really takes something special to really appreciate what the AR is and why Bungie made it, not to mention be a beast using it Since you appear to be a little uninformed about the ARs acclaimed "versatility" Let me show you a couple of tactics Me and other people use. I am going to name 5 tactics. They will be named in specific categories (three for one of them, specified by an *) The Categories: General use: Spray and chuck Skilled use: Burst suppression fire (keep suppression on the enemy using bursts of bullets or a steady stream. *Tactics against other weapons: 1. IN use against other automatics; If using against the SMG, weaken your foe with a grenade and use the ARs spray to kill without attempting a melee, which is inadvisable to do with an SMG user. If used against another AR, timing is key. Normally people will find themselves in a Spray and chuck fight but if the opponent attacks first, back up when they are closing in to get them to melee first then charge in and finish them. If you fire first keep your aim on your opponent and it will either be a kill or a mutual beatdown. 2. In use against longer range weapons: If you are fighting BR or Carbine users, take cover every so often but keep a steady suppression stream to keep their scope off. If fighting Sniper users Sneak around them. DO NOT EVER ATTEMPT TO ENGAGE THEM DIRECTLY! Then use the fact they are using a scope to run up to them and spray and melee or just spray away 3. In use against power weapons: If they are close range, stay with a medium range steady stream, if they are long range, get up close and maneuver around. ROckets takes something special to avoid when up close. Dodge the rockets and use spray and chuck. Now would anyone who wasn't pro with the AR know about this? SO brings up my philosophy again by 13377 shakespeare. Read my signature if you want to know what it is,
Yes, they would know about all that stuff. Thats because people do all of that instinctively when they have a weapon. No person is going to charge a sniper with an AR. Everyone knows to stay near or behind cover when fighting a BR or carbine. I personally think the easier thing to do is flank or run away. Everyone knows that weakening an enemy with a grenade will give them a better chance. And everyone knows that if you are up against short range, then stay away. And also you said in use against power weapons, get up close and maneuver around them if they are long range. Someone could probably no scope you pretty easily and getting near rockets would just be stupid. And to one of your previous posts: I hate the AR but I'm still good with it. Just because you hate something doesn't mean your bad at it. I hate science but I get A's in the class.
your self quote thing or whatever it is doesnt make sense and is incorrect, just so ya know. a weapon cannot have skill, its an object.
Right? I couldn't have said it better myself. It's all pretty much common sense. You don't rush in when you see a sniper picking off people from across the map. That's just stupid. You're tactics are good, but they're pretty much generally known. I'm not dissing the AR (even if I made it sound like I did), but I just think it doesn't require a lot of skill to use. LOLz
Ok thats ur opinion, I am cool with that. And to the one saying My philosophy is incorrect, People are always saying. "BR takes skill" or "Energy sword is for noobs" and brag about how they use these "skill" weapons all the time. THen you play with them and you figure out you are better at out BRing (which in my opinion takes very little skill to master) than they are at outsniping. thats the point behind my philosophy. It's no the skill you need to use the weapon, it's the overall self skill you have. This conversation is going from AR to weapons and skill, and to believe I'm the driving force in it! D: BACK TO THE AR PLEX!
In that case, I do hope that they make it stronger, so that you are able to kill people from longer distances.
Play a pro 1v1 and tell me how many times you out BR them. Id say that you wouldn't that often if at all. Theres a reason why The same pro teams are usually in the top 8. If out BRing took little skill, then the top 8 would always be changing. But anyway, I diddn't see a problem with the AR. It took like two more shots to kill with then in halo 3 and as long as you tap the trigger instead of hold it, its decent at range.