Halo: Reach Switch Techs Ching Chong Kid Intro: Technologies are the tools of switch making, in order to excel in the craft, you must learn to master them. Technologies are most commonly referred to as “techs” and will be throughout this guide. Each tech is a different aspect of the way [Halo’s] physics engine operates and each can be manipulated in order to create a working switch. Experienced switch makers are able to combine a variety of techs in order to make truly intricate switches. Labels: Below is a list of all the techs used to make switches in Halo: Reach. There are 2 different labels for switch techs; [THEORY] and [PROVEN]. Techs labeled [THEORY] are just that, theory. This means they 1. Have not been tested or 2. Are still in the process of being finalized. Techs labeled [PROVEN] have been tested in-game and work. Each tech has a shot description and do not cover all information on that tech. Also, techs with a [NEW] tag are techs that have been newly created. *Each tech listed below will be labeled theory until they are tested when Reach is released (even though I know some will definitely work). Techs will also be added as they are discovered* Techs: - Instance [THEORY] Also know as min/max tech, instance tech is the use of destroyable objects' run-time minimum and run-time maximum settings to force-spawn other instances of that object elsewhere on the map. - Wire [THEORY] Also know as touch tech, wire tech uses movable objects to transfer vibrations (small movements) between one another. - Flip [THEORY] Also known as rb tech, flip tech uses the flipping motion of an overturned or misplaced vehicle to activate a switch. - Friction [THEORY] Also known as resistance tech, friction tech is the use of an object to restrain or another object. - Fuse [THEORY] Fuse tech is the use of several consecutive man cannons placed upside-down against a flat surface to transport active plasma grenades. - Magnetism [THEORY] Magnetism tech is the use of gravity lifts or tin cups to attract an object. - Proximity [THEORY] [NEW] Proximity tech is the use of land mines, which explode when a player is within its proximity, to activate a switch when a player is near the activation point. - Viscosity [THEORY] Also know as key card tech, viscosity tech uses selectively penetrable objects to filter what can and cannot enter the switch and activate it. - Impulse [THEORY] [NEW] Impulse tech is forcing an explosive object to detonate by allowing it to fall from a terminal height or by causing it to collide with another object at a terminal velocity. - Aura [THEORY] Formerly part of wire tech (regen tech), aura tech is the use of items that emit a force around them, or aura, to activate a dormant object. - Trait [THEORY] [NEW] Trait tech is the use of a unique trait of an object such as a propane tanks propulsion before detonation and a weapon holders pull on certain objects. - Propulsion [THEORY] [NEW] Propulsion tech uses a propane tank's ability to propel itself and other objects when activated. And please remember that this list will be updated as new Reach info is released and techs are tested. This list was created by myself (Ching Chong Kid) with help from Coyote1023.
This thread works good for halo 3 but it's pointless for halo reach. We don't know what new physics or movable objects will be used to make traps. This thread is a good idea but wait for the game to come out before you start talking about new switches.
Actually that one with the mines is pointless for halo 3 because there are no mines in that game. But this does kinda look like a guide, which is unnessasary right now because we dont know how everything works and nobody can use it because the game isnt out
Wire tech works. I have touched upon this before. The way wire tech works is that the object "settles" and doesn't apply any more physics to it until it is touched again. This system worked well in halo 3 and is in Reach as proven by objects in the BETA. I can guarantee that it will work.
Why not get a head start? This thread is not pointless, because we can discuss possibilities. You have a dry imagination if you really thought that there was no point to a thread as well constructed and detailed as this. On topic, I liked the land mine switch a lot, and probably would have never thought of it myself. You should add a bullet list under the trait tech and include weapon holders, grav lifts, man cannons, one way shield door, and late spawning objects (add more as they are discussed).
I agree with Mongoose. Building a thread like this now is less useful for Halo 3, since in a month or so it'll become obsolete for the most part. And the fact that Reach isn't out yet is the whole reason that Ching Chong Kid is applying the scientific method by labeling everything that we haven't seen or tested yet "Theory". Good job Ching Chong. I haven't made any puzzle maps in the past, but the way Forge 2.0 presents itself (not to mention your excellent ideas) makes me want to take part.
Awesome guide, I agree its unneeded at the moment, but in 31 days we can start to see what works and what doesn't. Also, later down the road you should provide links to maps with specific switches integrated into it as an example.
Thanks for all the feedback guys, pros and cons alike. Let me just say some of you have the right idea in that I am creating this "work-in-progress" list now to have something to work with when Reach is released. And I'd like to dispute the thoughts that a list like this is pointless at this point in time by saying we don't need to wait for Reach's release to know many (if not all) of these WILL work, like B3NW mentioned. Some techs will be discovered by simply reading new information released about Reach as it will give us new insight into what new features will come. And as frogs on stilts said, there is a reason I've labeled the all [THEORY] until the game is released (which was mentioned if you had read the whole post). PS - I think me being overly excited about Reach switches may have influenced my pre-release list
About the Tripmine one Reachs trip mines I think you have to be actually like touching them for them or very small proximity to set them off just to let you keep that in mind. Isn't "Fuse" just a "Friction" switch? because propane tanks could be a "Fuse" switch but that fits under "Traits"
I really think that wire should be moved to proven. I've proven that what is there for it to work in Halo 3 is there in Halo Reach, therefore it will be possible. Note - It may not work in exactly the same way but it will work, that is for sure.
We don't know any of these will work for sure. Bungie never intended for people to make switches or "techs". Now they are likely aware of all of these "techs". I trust bungie not to do this but there is always the possibility that bungie has gotten rid of most if not all of things we need to make switches work. We really won't know for sure what works and what doesn't until the game comes out. Anything before that is speculation just clogging up the forums. I still think this thread works great for halo 3 (minus the new ones) but we have to remember that Halo: Reach is a new game with new mechanics. It's great that your excited about reach but wait until the game comes out to start trying to discover new "techs".
Be quiet? You blatantly haven't read what I have posted? The physics needed to make wire technology work is existant in Reach because they are the fundimental physics of reach and of halo 3. The properties are there to remove lag. If you had hundreds of palets moving at once, it would crash the game because the engine cannot handle that. To stop all of them moving at once unless they need to move. The items "settle" and do not move until they are touched. This property is in Reach as proven by the BETA and is going to be there because it is bungies main lag defence.
I have a feeling that this will be a VERY helpful thread in the near future and will probably be stickied. Great job Ching Chong Kid
Yeah, I know. It will still work since you don't have to be technically touching them (that'd be wire tech) Friction tech is one object restraining another, like a dumpster with a man cannon behind it being restrained by a custom power-up. Fuse tech uses the man cannons to slide the plasma grenades across a surface. So no, they aren't the same thing . As for the propane tank, it's currently under trait tech because it only works as a fuse because of it has the trait that causes propulsion after activation.
Unlike most of the people posting here, I actually don't think this is useless. I think that these are very good ideas. But, I am pretty sure the mine can be set to proven because its basically the fusion coil think causing something to bow up except you don't have to shoot it. You can die. But I will need to use some switches in some of my maps. I could also work with you to figure out some switches with you. I think it woulld be quite interesting. Good guide.
I wonder if the land mines will only work with touch / proximity. Could it be that shooting one or throwing a grenade won't trigger it? I like this post. It may be just speculation, but there is sometimes great value in speculation (as is the case here). Ching Chong, I've looked at your other switches and downloaded them. I have a difficult time recalling the last time I've been this impressed by an individual's passion. Great job!
I'd love to make some switches with anyone who's interested. Just send me a friend request on Live and invite me to a game. I believe that when you put one behind a a wall it can only be activated by a players movement Thanks man, I truly do love switches
I catch your drift. Message me if you catch my drift Although I am quite certain it will work already. I'm actually quite certain all of these will work I'm just labeling them as [THEORY] until they have been tested to make sure.