Since Mickraider and Bartoge have been kind enough to give the community Sketchup peices for Reach, I figured I'd try my hand at a map. This is a preview of a map called Esoteric, a remake of sorts of a map from Halo 3 if any of you have the chance to see it. It an urban map, and one of my personal favorites. An angled Overview of the majority of the map. You can see the skyscraper in the center with Red Base to the Right and blue base to the left, while on the bottom left corner is the Garage and blue Sub-Base. Bird's Eye View Bird's Eye View without roof Bird's Eye View without roof or 2nd Floors Now I will show the various buildings/locations, each followed by a spoiler. The spoiler contains extra information and photos for that location above it. The Church Spoiler The Church is probably the most artistic building here, having some very intricate and ornate walls, ceiling and decor. In Halo 3 this housed the OS, so what this location wil contaion is a mystery until Reach is released. This shows the doorway into the Church, which I am very proud of. This shows a (slightly distorted, sorry) picture of the interior. The doorway under the ramp in the middle will be connected to a rocky tunnel. Garage Spoiler The Garage is the co-partner location with the Church, as they are symmetrically tied to each other. The Garage will undoubtingly house a vehicle, probably a ghost, though I will decide when Reach comes out. Im also proud of the Garage Bay door as well. The 2nd Floor interior of the garage. to the right is the Blue Sub-Base, to the left is the Ladder Walkway. We'll get to those in a minute. Skyscraper Spoiler Undoubtingly the tallest building here, the skyscraper is the keystone point of map domination. It stands 21 stories high (1 story being a 1x1 block) and has some very nice glass wall windows. The skyscraper will possibly house a rocket launcher. The 2nd Floor interior of the skyscraper. Here will be the Rocket launcher. 1st Floor interior. I don't know what will be in here just yet, weapon-wise. That door is cool though. Red Base Spoiler Red Base is where it will all be stolen. This is the Main base, the one used for 1-flag and bomb and all that fun stuff. On the 1st floor is a rock tunnel that connects to one side of the church. You can see to the left the blank doorway where the rock tunnel will be. You can also see the small door to the right of the ramps, which leads to an alleyway outside. 2nd Floor. Pretty self-explanatory. Blue Base Spoiler The lesser-important brother of Red Base, Blue Base isn't as technically levelled as its rival, but it does share some similarities with the Red Base like a back alley entrance and 2 floors. 1st floor interior. All nice and neat. The upper corridors of Blue Base. Ladder Walkway Thie ladder is very interesting in design and function. I have come up with a way to make a working ladder! (Don't steal without my permission. I'm serious.) By using one way shield doors, you can have a flat surface while having the ability to go through it. So when you jump through the shield door you land on top of it. Using this, you rinse and repeat until you're at the top. I do need a shield door thin enough for the ladder above, but I'm highly sure it will work. Red Sub-Base Spoiler Red Sub-Base is basically an extention from Red Base. Not much to be said, but it has good window LOS and gives access to the Church 2nd Floor. Windows are cool doods. especially the one on the left. A hallway leading to the rock tunnel into the church 1st Floor. (Random) Sub-Base It just right outside Red Base. It's just there. Blue Sub-Base Spoiler Blue Sub-Base shares many similarities with Red Sub-Base, like good Window LOS and access to the Garage. 2nd Floor. Windows are still pretty cool doods here too. A look into the 1s floor. Feedback is appreciated. Thanks for looking and I hope you are excited to see the release of this in Reach.
Looks smexy. I like. But I believe you will have to change some of the windows. Cuz I believe glass pieces are 50 each and you only can make 50. But, cool idea none the least.
Seriously? Aw man.... So much for my awsome idea to make a bunch of glass maps. I had three already planned out too.
If you are talking about the Blocks, they're $10 each and you can have 100. If your talking about the Colliseum door thing, or the gigantic wall they also cost $10 and I have less than 50 of each. I'm thinking positively that I can do this. I might add some rocks in the open floor parts of the map to give elevation and cover. I think this is set, and It will be either in the Quarry if its big enough or in the coliseum if its too big for the Quarry. If money is an issue then the Random sub-base will be first to go, followed by the sheer height of the Skyscraper. Sad Faic. Hope it doesn't come to that though. Thanks to all for your gracious comments.
This is the first map that I've seen sketched up that gives me faith that the community will be creative and that maps wont all look the same. I will await the release of this map. Seriously.
Looks very interesting... Your map looks very fun and aesthetically pleasing, I especially like the centerpiece. The windows really make it feel like it would be very open and fun to play in. Another thing I like is how all the pieces are connected with bridges, that should allow for some awesome bottle-necked combat sequences.
Extremely nice sketch up man. This is quite honestly the best looking urban map, i just hope that either you can A. do it with default objects in forgeworld, or B. we manage an ultimate object/budget glitch so you can use as many windows as you want. =) I seriously need to stop looking in the Reach discussion threads i seriously cant wait till September =(
HOLY F**K!! This is an amazing design, now I say that merely from a creative/imaginative design point. I have absolutely no idea how it's going to play because I haven't really nor do I want to really think about it. But for now excellent use of the Sketchup materials at hand.
Another incredible sketch-up. This layout looks so cool, really urban. Also, whatever happened to Kinetica?
I was watching CSI as I was looking at this preview. And there happened to be an epic song in the background, which made this epic map even more epic. Nice job.