*note: These are all old screens from when I used to play halo, so yeah kinda late posting, just thought I'd get all this out of the way before reach... also the reason I re- signed up for the site(forgot acct name and whatevers). PS- I also do alot of wording so hit me up if you need a custom piece "Ghostly Waters" The Last Stand The Kryptonite My BR is... MLG Guardian Deception ODST PROTOTYPE Ninja Gaiden FreeStlye Piece Seachlight Out Of The Blue LRG - Underground Inventive, Overground Effective Tribute to MJ Recronik Lazer General Deception 2 My BR Defend Hawaii 1 Defend Hawaii 2 Defend Hawaii 3 Defend Hawaii 4 Defend Hawaii 5 Defend Hawaii 6
Whoa, you've got some really good ones, some bad ones, and one amazing one. good: lazer general, reconik, tribute to mj, freestyle piece, ninja garden, odst, deception, my br is, ghostly waters, the kryptonite, and last stand(if you're doing what I think you're trying to do, bad if you're not bad: all the other forge art, the lettering is sloppy, lrg, prototype, out of the blue, mlg guardian. Absolutely amazing: deception 2
Thanks man... I know we all have opinions and what not, but just wondering how the forge art lettering was slopy? so i can fix my styles
Well, compare it to this or this one I made, I was in a rush A way to improve forge art is to make your letters bigger, so you can put more weapons into each letter, making it smoother.
Well Yes I know what you are trying to say, but it was the type of font style I was using to create those screens. And I Try to make it as strait as I can. Thanks though.
Wow these are good. Lazer General, Out of the Blue, Deception 2, and Deception all are awesome. But I'm gonna have to agree with moose, the lettered ones are not very good looking. It's too obvious that you made them out of weapons.
My favorites: Lazer General, Deception 1 & 2, Ghostly Waters and The Last Stand (It's from the H3 commercial, right?). All the other ones are good, but the lettering could use some work :/ I knew from the first one that it was weapons.