In the Bungie Weekly Update of August 12, 2010, a screenshot (see below) shows off all the available gametypes, and VIP is nowhere to be seen. What are your thoughts? Edit: confirmed from having the game, no VIP
Although I wish it wasn't removed, I don't care too much, simply because I only ever used VIP for the racetracks gametype anyway. (Oh, and rocet race).
Youtuber is probably right because these gametypes are sorted in alphabetical order and VIP would be at the bottom of the list. I don't see a drop down arrow though...
This is kind of depressing because I had a great idea for a new escort type map that I wanted to save for reach so it would be much better made and probably bigger and faster to make so now i/ll either have to repurpose it or spend several hours (or days) to build it
WAIT... They said Grifball was built into the game now, like an actual gametype, and I even saw a clip where the announcer says "Grifball" and it says it on the screen, and thats not there.... So what if VIP and Grifball are located under the Slayer category? It's a long shot, but possible...
Wouldnt grifball be in assault? VIP would kinda make sense in slayer i guess, if it was the kind that the only goal is to kill the VIP. I cant see how they would take VIP out and keep juggernaut..
****, yeah, I meant for Grifball under Assault. I was typing quickly. So, my predictions would be that it goes like this: RACE > Race, Rally ASSAULT > Neutral, One Bomb, Assault, Grifball SLAYER > Slayer, Team Slayer, VIP, (etc) CAPTURE THE FLAG > Multiflag, One Flag, Neutral Flag, (etc) INVASION > Invasion, Invasion Slayer and so on. It makes sense to me.
Rocket Race. What about Rocket Race? How is that not VIP? I expect that means either RR will have some slightly different settings and be under Race, or Race will have a VIP gametype under it. If you guys only wanted VIP for the VIP points, why not just use Race? So Master Chief Escort games and similar games using VIP points will still exist, only as Race variants.
They might still be hiding some stuff from us, as iirc there was an interview that mentioned a game mode (whether it was an actual gametype or not is yet to be seen) that wasn't going to be unveiled until around shipping date or so. If so, there might be a few things out of that list, meaning scrolling down would be plausible. Keep in mind that a scrolling arrow doesn't appear when you're in a secondary gametype menu (e.g. Main shows arrow, Main > Invasion does not, Main > Invasion (Slayer) does not, etc)
Gotta remember that this screenshot is from a BETA build. I doubt they would leave the gametype out. It was one of the most sophisticated gametypes of halo 3, so if they have left it out then it is due to the reason there are more sophisticated gametypes and VIP is no longer needed. TBH, no one used it unless it was a special gametype that needed those settings, and those settings are available to other gametypes now.
I seriously doubt that they'd get rid of VIP like that. They can't just include a gametype in Halo 3 and not follow up on it in Halo: Reach. VIP could easily be a subcategory now, as many of you have speculated, or the list could simply not be finished. Maybe Bungie is making the custom games in alphabetical order and couldn't finish in time for when they planned to release that screenshot.
Well maybe its just a limited build shown there or there is now a customization in slayer that could even let you have multiple VIPs on one team... I can definitely see that as being an option under slayer...
Howabout plasma launcher race or concussion rifle race or target locater race or... Some new weapon that we haven't seen yet race?