Hey everyone, I was just wondering what armor you guys would wear besides Recon as seeing Recon as the most wanted and abused armor? Head - Mark V Right Shoulder - Security Left Shoulder - Scout Body - Katana
Considering your avatar is recon..hehe Well if i wasnt wearing recon it would go like this Head- Mark V R. Shoulder- Scout L. Shoulder- Scout Body- E.V.A.
Cool, that was what I used to wear before I was one achievement away from getting the Katana, 1000/1000, 49/49, "Whispers in Anger" Killing Frenzy.
I DID A TREAD LIKE THIS! o well ur a rookie any way: head: mark 5 or odst both sholders:eod body:eod or cqb
Helmet: Rogue Shoulders: Scout Chest: Recon If I had to pick on set of armor that looked good as a solid piece as it would be in real-life, I think the Scout armor works the best all together.
I have to agree with tsb. Scout is one of my favorite armor sets right behind recon. And if i'm an elite, I think the set I choose is called Commando?
"besides Recon?" That's assuming EVERYONE likes Recon. I don't really like it. The only piece I really like is the Chest piece. I use Default.
this. sometimes i change the head to security. I like the ones with a lot of black trim cause I often wear white. Though if I had to choose one set to wear 100% (arms chest and head) I'd probably go with the scout too. I like the big "H" in the front, as my friends usually call halo "our H fix". I also like it cause All of those pieces are unlocked through vehicle related achivements, and I'm a vehicle person when I play.
This thread made me laugh SO hard. Recon is possibly THE ugliest armor Halo has ever seen. Well, at least the head is. I don't understand why people like wearing Recon. Seriously. I'm an elite so I wear: Head: Commando Right: Commando Left: Fligt Body: Assault
Head: Rogue Right: Security Left Security Body: Katana I wear my katana proudly because I earned it when H3 only had 1000 Gamerscore. I have a legit katana, *****.
Spartan Head: Mark V Body: EOD Shoulders: Mark VI I tried to get the original Halo look, and I think it looks like it. Elite Head: Combat Body: Flight Shoulders: Assault
[sorry about the size, I couldn't get it any bigger] ARMOR Head: Hayabusa Shoulders: Security Chest: Katana COLORS Primary: White Secondary: Red Detail: Red
Helm: Scout Right shoulder: Recon Left Shoulder: Scout Body: EOD Recon isn't that great, IMO. I just like the shoulders, Small enough to have a better percentage of not getting a gay "full frontal assassination" and still have style
Elites are faggy. I wear the Security helmet, with security shoulders (sometimes hayabusa or E.O.D shoulders), and the katana body armour. Pic: