So GTA IV just came out yesterday and it had a HUGE hype and I bought it. So I wanted to know who else got GTA and liked or disliked it for any reason. -I really like it so far, it is very realstic and the cars a fantastic! The only thing i have disagree on is that in the original GTA's for the PS2 the camera controls where a little different and they took me a little bit to get used to them on the new GTA.
i have it and yes the camera control is different and it took me a couple of minutes to get used to them. right when i got it i went straight to the multiplayer and found it good and the gameplay is much more realistic than other gta's out there. yes i liked it
Good game except for the default camera view when driving. You can't really see what's directly infront of you and the other camera options are just awkward.
Got it yesterday but I haven't had much time to play it. I have been really busy for some reason these past months. I think GTA will take me away from Cod4 for awhile. The only thing I don't like are the cars...I think I'm just used to Saints Row which was amazing. The cars in GTA are hard to control at high speeds (I mean its realistic) but I love just weaving in and out of traffic and thats hard when it takes 500 feet to stop and a giant garbage truck is coming about to cut you off. I like the targeting system but I still like saints rows more and I like saints rows GPS system more. Although the talking GPS is kinda cool but not very helpful. But overall I think it will be a good game. Not so much the multiplayer though. The multiplayer freeroam is probably the coolest thing though.
I got it. I really really like the targeting system. it takes me just one shot to killl someone just with the pistol. much more tactical. I do however hate how freeking hard it is to drive the cars. Im preeety sure they were easier to drive in San Andreas. You have to drive under the speed limit in order to turn right basically... overall i liked the multiplayer though. preety cool to just roam around with friends and cause chaos togheter haha.
Not old enough to buy it myself, and my parents are still deciding whether they would let me get it. So, I am just gonna give my bro some money and we are going to buy it together. Edit: tomorrow
I dislike the camera angle while driving, its pretty much ruining the game for me. It was a bad idea imo, I've started using the only bikes just because the camera is central on them.
I teh love it. I noticed the best place to fight the cops in is the strip joint, they always come in 1 door, and to stupid to go in the back one...
Ive found that if you press back to zoom out more its a little better but I still find myself moving the camera upwards to get a better view.
yeh, the driving part is really hard to turn at high speeds, and the camera angle is annoying too. i just got the game today.
I got it ... totally overrated. Its blatantly just the novelty of having a new GTA/Next-Gen GTA thats making people totally adore it.