Hey everyone. I thought I'd start a FireFight discussion. To get things started, the voice changing ability in FireFight. Its not clear to me what the voice changing thing is about or what exactly it does. Can anyone clear that up for me? Discuss freely.
I can explain: You might have noticed how in Firefight in ODST if you used Buck, Buck would say things if you got a kill or used a turret. In Firefight 2.0 you get to choose who speaks for you (Which costs some credits).
You buy Voices with credits just like armor and can have one equipped at a time. Here are all the voices we know about at the moment and these voices are all the voices you can see from day one. Meaning you don't need to rank up to see them which you might have to, to unlock other voices. From top left - Noble Six, Carter, Jorge, Blank(or Auntie dot), Pete Stacker, Buck, Jun, Emile, Kat, Johnson, Cortana, and John.
Why did they bring buck back? They built him up to be a BA, but i felt like he was kinda weak and i didnt really like him. And its not like he has a cool voice or anything
A. because the actor is famous. B. because they wanted to tie the games together a little more. C. Buck talked about being on Reach a lot during ODST. D. They can do whatever they please.
Yeah remember the last level of ODST (which is how we knew he would be in Reach or at least appear in Reach) He says its just like Reach again (meaning the part where the Covenant were glassing Mombasa to find the ark portal.
who or what is auntie dot? Nathan is commin back? Oh hells yeah. I want my gorram and my other firefly stuff back too. Browncoats forever.
thats more voices than i expected. i know what some people are thinking, what if i gave a chick johnsons voice? ill probably stick with johnson for the most part, he sounds cool.
What about a chick with with cortana's voice? That would be a first huh. I am defiantly making my spartan a girl with a mans voice
Auntie Dot is an A.I in Halo:Reach and will be important in the campaign. And im going to go with John-117's voice, he's just a bad -Blam!-
I'm going with John, because he rarely ever talks aside from cutscenes, It'l be cool to see what he finally has to say about his work. On a side note, who else is going to put all hunters on legendary with pistols only?
Imagine if John is a little whining b*tch. Anyways, I'm most likely going to be one of those who pick his voice.
The Auntie-dot? Hm... I wonder how she sounds... John, Johnson, and Buck are all pretty BA. But I'm betting Emile will be too.
Ill be using Jun or John as mine. As for gametype ideas i have. Turkey Shoot: all jackals hearing, shootiness and evrything else will be turned down super low so its basically just a turkey shoot. And the player will start with a sniper and a magnum. Hunted: all hunters with the same rules as the jackals but the opposite. And the player will start a concussion rifle and magnum both with limited ammo.