(Alliteration ftw) Hello fellow hub-bros, another poll, whats the most anticipated armor ability for you? Plan on going chameleon style with some Active Camo? Armor lockin' like a pro? Taken to the skies with your shiny new Jetpack? What is the most anticipated armor ability in your eyes? Any guesses which AA will be the victor? I have a strange feeling that Jetpack is going to fly away (lulz) with the win. In case you forgot. Active Camo Armor Lock Drop Shield Evade Hologram Jetpack Sprint GO!
jetpack sprint armor lock drop shield (dont even know what that is) hologram active camo evade jetpack is first, evade is last.
Noxy, ill add a poll. What do you want the title to be? Edit: Wait cant you do that yourself? ANYWAY, i like the Drop Sheild a lot, and Jetpack as well, but the best AA is hands down the Hologram. Thats going to be so amazing to trick people with!
I like armor lock. =] Also,I thought Drop shield was the medic shield that healed you like a regen if you stood in it?Correct me if I'm wrong please.
I'd say the jetpack is my favorite, but since most of us have already used it, we're not anticipating it..... so I gotta say hologram. Imagine an 8v8 match where a couple enemies have hologram... slightly annoying. Now imagine facing a clan where EVERYONE uses it at once - 16 enemies charging out. WTF!?!?
Hologram for sure. I was just watching a Firefight video and the elites kept tricking the Spartans into chasing the holograms.
I might also add that judging from the commentators of the films I've seen with the drop shield is that it is 1 meter shorter in diameter than the halo 3 Bubble shield, and it has healing/regenerating powers while inside of it... so like a fusion between H3's bubble shield and regen. Oh and also a bit of deployable shield where it takes damage and turns orange when severley damaged and whatevs but just to add in my 2 cents
Even though it is not my favorite, definetly jetpack for 2 reasons: 1. People who aren't that big of Halo fans will definetly try out the jetpack first. 2. Bungie treated jetpacks like a really big thing in the multiplayer beta trailer.
i feel like hologram can make for some fun minigames, duck hunt anyone? anyone know if your hologram can drive a mongoose? like in battle snipes or something.
Sprint, That AA was just the best on the Beta, saved my hind so many times and bagged me a Kilimanjaro and Untouchable at some points. its also good for getting out the way. Simple,Reliable and FUN! SH
IMO sprint is one of the best, like you said, but I don't think a lot of people who didn't play the beta are anticipating it because they're going to be like "Oh sprint, that's so stupid why would you wanna sprint. I'd rather fly or become invisible."
I say hologram. I'll keep using it, and then when they're used of me using a hologram, I'll look down at the ground, activate it, and walk forward like a hologram (Who in Bungie did that? I forgot. Shishka, right?). It'll work every time Although I might end up using the Jetpack or Armor Lock more (Jetpack for attackers in 1-flag CTF, armor lock for defenders right at the start).