Since this isn't about Halo 3 or Reach I figured it should go in general. Anyway I recently got a slim 360 and couldn't transfer the map packs. Is there any way I can get theses again?
You can play Halo 2 online on the slim 360? I thought they discontinued online play on original xbox live games all together?
As Crippled eluded to, Halo 2 and all related items (updates/maps) are no longer supported on Xbox Live. The only way to get them is if you have the Multiplayer Map Pack Disk.
Gahhhh Wait were you using a data migration kit or just manually doing it with like a memory card? Because I'm most likely going to be getting a slim and I want to keep my H2 Maps...I also have a data migration kit so lol.
I'm not a hundred percent but I heard those data migration kits tend to not transfer most/some pieces of DLC. I'd go with a flash drive or memory card for transferring some of the bits your more worried about e.g. Halo 2 Map Packs. More specifically Desolation + Tombstone since those aren't included on the map pack disc.
I transfered the data using a flash drive. The map pack discs can be bought on for around $9 used.
Good way to go. aha and you can usually find the disc in a Gamestop, i practically borrowed it. Just bought it, downloaded the maps and returned it for a full refund.
This doesnt include the most recent maps though like tombstone which unfortunately are impossible to get now I really miss those maps
I found that they were pretty trash on swat. But in normal gametypes they played relatively well besides not having team work.