Map Title: Propaganda MLG style objective/slayer map...Inspired by Onslaught... Download Map Description: Ok, so here's my first attempt at a quality map using the interlocking technique and the only map I've created that I feel is worthy of posting... Propaganda is completely symmetrical map meant to be played with MLG gametypes... There are two bases each with its own series of towers that overlook the map... In addition there are also two sniper towers, one on either side of the map with teleporters at their base for a quick escape or a sneaky flag return... Directly in the center of the map there is an overshield and mauler but getting there might be a problem since both sniper spawns and both bases overlook that area... Weapons on map: 10 Battle Rifles 4 Covanant Carbines 1 Mauler 2 Sniper Rifles (1 spair clip) 8 Plasma Grenades 8 Frag Grenades Red Base Blue Base Sniper Tower 1 Sniper Tower 2 Sniper Alley Main Alley Overview 1 Overview 2 Teleporter 1 Teleporter 2 This took me a lot of time so please tell me what you think... Thank You...
The base layout is boss. The sniper towers look awesome. the cross in the centre is cool, But where in the map are the Tele's? I will dl most deff and get back to you 1st post hellz yeah
good sweet map looks good 4 the MLG in you with extreme bib bob
Whoa, this looks great for MLG, at least in the respect for a Foundry map. This could just as well give Onslaught, (which MLG is quite dissapointed wtih), a run for it's money.
It looks great, you did an excellent job, but to me it seems a little too much like Onslaught... From the pictures it looks like it would play pretty much the same.
Quality map 5/5 EDIT:: Sry but i actually don't like the weapon set so much. Still 5/5 for z map tho.
agreed. Nonetheless, great map! looks like it took you lots of time and I LOVE the base layouts, keep it up man!
That'll do. I was hoping for a page and a half on some immensely creative background to the map that would include a new alien species that raped everything and whatever it didn't rape it forced it to listen to propaganda about raping. Then I realized that would seem like you were a bit obsessive about rape, so then my hopes lowered to an alien species that licked the butt holes of everything. But now here I am accepting that the map was named "on the fly."
Nice clean competitive map, sniper towers are amazing, good idea including the teleporters to spice up the action a bit (although I don't know where they lead to). And is it just me or do all these MLG maps start to look the same after a while...