Map Preview: Nameless

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by pinohkio, Aug 10, 2010.

  1. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Map Preview: The Shrine

    Well, in about an hour and a half of sitting in my Omni, I came up with this. If it looks uneven in some spots, it probably is; It was just a quick go at it. Anyway, I also need help picking a name for it. On to the pictures!

    Old pictures
    Here's an overview!

    And here's a view from one of the 4 (bases?)

    And here's another overview!
    slightly less old picture
    I added these sweet looking curved platform thing, which I used as a covering with a jump up. The roof makes the map look more enclosed, and the second blocks I added help to create the enclosed feel, I think.
    Newest picture
    Most up-to-date overview

    Here's the rest of the pictures, they don't really show much overall; so I didn't include them here..
    **I'm going with the name "The Shrine" for now, because Lambo put it on the sig he made for me, though I am still going to poll all the possible names before I release it.//
    #1 pinohkio, Aug 10, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2010
  2. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
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    Uprise comes to mind. Can't remember if that's been used somewhere.
  3. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    The halo 2 campaign perhaps?
    I'll put it down on a list, and probably do a poll of the ones I like best.
  4. Mr Magashi

    Mr Magashi Forerunner

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    I dont know about a name but i think this map would be cooler if the dark grey part (currently your bottom level) was in fact a top level and the walkways went down and below it etc. With a lift in the middle maybe.
  5. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Yeah, but then that would ruin the jump ups from the middle structure, to either the blocks (to the platforms) or the platforms. And also, I would have to think up a whole new Line of sight idea to implement.
  6. Kyler

    Kyler Forerunner

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    Name it QuadPlay-or something with "Quad"
  7. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Alright, I'll put Quadplay down on the list as well.
  8. Mr Magashi

    Mr Magashi Forerunner

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    So basically what your saying is that your ideas and opinions mean more than mine and therefore as a result you are not going to attempt to make any changes to a map in a way that i think MAY be constructive.

    Sorry mini-rant over, not in the greatest of moods right now.

    But maybe when the game actually comes out it may well be worth seeing if you could do anything about my ideas. My only basis was that if you are on a top level it is harder to shoot at people below you (if the whole of the top level was the way i said it) So it just creates more covered routes etc. Think guardian.
  9. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    I was merely stating that I already came up with some lines of sight that I thought would work, and that by putting the main floor on par with the lookouts, it would void the need for the jump ups.
    However, I updated it, as of in like 10 seconds, so now this is what it looks like:
    Edited into the OP; NOW!
  10. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    I don't wanna ruin anything for you, but I believe the "ascension" pillar things on the corners come only in a triangular fashion, not in separate pieces.
  11. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    Just saw this; it could use a small bit more, unless it's a 1v1 or 2v2 map. Or unless Sketchup lies, and it's actually huge, and all the spaces are reeeeeaaaaallyyyy wide open. Maybe 2 buildings, one on each side for bases (Or, 4 bases on 4 sides for multi-team)? It'd keep with the symmetricality (is that a word?), but it'd add some more to the map. Right now, it just looks a little empty.

    Also, for names? Hmm..... can't be Ascension, that's taken by Bungie (although it'd work, because I have a feeling players would try to get up higher with what you have now). Revolution? An uprising is sort of like a revolution (hence the H2 mission), but it wouldn't exactly mean the same thing.

    Scale, or scramble? I looked up words that would mean 'to rise' or 'to climb', and both would mean to climb or rise (not so sure about scramble, but scale would work, right? Like 'scaling a mountain'?).
  12. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    that wouldnt make sense, if there is a placeable bowl in the middle of it. and if bungie does want to give us the best possible forge, why allow less customization?
  13. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Ok, so here's the updated version.
    Here's the new covered corner behind the base.(Other corners are covered too.)

    Here's a view from the tunnel under the platform

    Here's a view from one of the four (4) symmetrical platforms

    And here's the new overview

    I've also added some strewn out cover around the middle, to prevent camping, and so I have cover to place spawns behind

    As per request from LRMAN, here's a better overview.
    #13 pinohkio, Aug 10, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2010
  14. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    Ok, I see now. But can you give a new overview? It's a little harder to see everything at the angles u gave. Maybe at the angle u had in the 1st version's pics?
  15. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    I don't see why it's necessary, because all I changed was the cover on the corners, and the cover in the middle. But I guess I could get a new one soon. I'll work on getting one now.

    Here it is.
    #15 pinohkio, Aug 11, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2010
  16. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    I just asked, I didn't demand it or anything :p And in that pic, I could see the changes easier. And yeah, it's a lot better now that people can take cover :p
  17. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Sorry, I just assumed that people could put 2 and 2 together, my bad. It was probably all bad judgement on my part, I am really tired after all :p I'm just hoping that the map is small enough to accommodate 8-man multi-team slayer.
  18. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    Small enough, or big enough? 8 man multi-team gets hectic on Guardian of all things (which, IMO, is pretty small). If it's not bigger than Guardian is in H3, then the armor abilities will make it even more hectic. Jetpacks will speed up the already quick-looking gameplay, and invisibility's radar jammer will **** up everyone on the center platform if he's in the middle of it, making it even more fast paced (MLG took away radar so it'd be more fast paced, it'd probably work in Reach :p). And sprint will make you get across the map within.......... 5 seconds?

    Sorry, mini-rant there, make it bigger and it'll be fine in Reach. Or, dare I say, perfect.
  19. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Yeah, but if you look at the size of the slate, the centre mid is just about 2x2, with the corners cut. IDK though, I'm just hoping It'l all work out.
  20. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    Isn't a 2x2 block about the size of a side of a Block Large in H3? 0.o anyways, all you really need for it is to make the center platform a little bigger. after that, just do some changes to the design for the outer edge parts, and you're good!

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