This comment is unnecessary in a forum where young children (people under the age of say 16) you really should hold your tongue when you feel like saying things like that here, there is a time and a place for that but this is neither. Now, on topic: I don't really think we need worry about the budget of forgeworld, they made it specifically for us which means they aren't going to mess us over by giving us a crap budget. Just trust in them that they know what they are doing, they deserve to not be criticized for everything you don't understand yet.
I agree with everything you said in there, it was built around us, with us in mind, we just need to make do with the budget, like i said. we had almost 3 quarters of the budget less on halo 3 and look what we accomplished
Ya, Bungie did make this with the community in mind (Forgehub), so I don't doubt that there will be plenty of budget and the fancy new "larger" pieces will help out too! I can't wait to see forgeworld. I'm going to try forge out BEFORE any other feature of Reach.
They made each budget the amount it cost to render literally. By increasing the budget almost sevenfold, they have given themselves more room to create objects that use less budget; in turn some objects had to be increased sevenfold to make up for the loss. What bungie did was give us a slightly higher budget, but tweak the objects to be more accurate to the cost it takes to render them. So we can be more intellegent with our budget. No there is not an overall object limit, just the object type limit and the budget.
guys to me im going to try to budget glitch it first thing then go forge and since you can phase hiding the stuff in a rock, or part of your map, or in some random place wont be hard but then aaaing and no offense ment to death yoyo but its 10 shitting thousand dollars thats all the budgets in halo 3 combined plus another 5 thousand. just you wait and see bungie expects us to kick their asses at forging maps, of course the were right just you wait we'll have awesome things up and running on the second day(people will be to busy playing around and experimenting to put stuff up on the first day; or will they?) we're the forger and we have creativity we will continue the greatest part of halo and that is FORGE!
Why budget glitch? Budget glitching caused lag, lots of it, and staying in these Forgeworld parameters will probably give no lag. Budget glitching = lag lag = bad Budget glitching is bad
Budget glitching gave us alot of great maps. And not all of them lagged. Of course some people over killed it but thats all part of the game
The thing is, most of the good budget glitched maps were made for 8 or less players. And the only reason I could see a use for budget glitching on Forgeworld is for a large, 16 player BTB map. More players means more lag.
I really hop that they don't screw us over. Hopefully, the way the items are will allow us too use a lot less items, so we won't have to worry about all of that.
I think bungie did this system perfectly. They gave us all off the stuff they could. I definitely wouldn't complain to bungie. Our xboxes and internet connections can't handle any mlire without consequence.
Basically if you play split screen on a budget glitched map, your frame rate DIES. And then you have a seizure.