i stumbled over this video on YouTube and it has some sweet little tricks in it being demonstrated, Such as Vehicle Teleporters FX and in the menu Toys!? YouTube - Halo: Reach Forge World 2‎ so lets predict what toys we could have? Soccer Ball? Golf Ball? 7-Wood? Tin Cup? I now that the Dice is in there somewhere because i analyzed a picture showing some off forge worlds pieces and there is a dice!
Anyone for Halo Shoots and Man Cannons? ROLL the Dice! Aw man I only go four! Into the kill ball, Respawn at the begining.
There is a list of some of the toys. There is one called "Die" and it's not a Kill Ball, OR a kill barrier. What is it? --- ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i'm dumb.
You should be able to get all the answers you need for Conkerkid's Forge World Object List thread. And yes, you are really late asking this, as it was addressed soon after the release of Forge World.