Or those could have been placed over a mancannon, and then fell into them. But once they came to rest they became fixed.
i dont think bungie is mean enough to do that. however for it to constantly be launching, it would take a ton of killballs which would take a ton of budget. so who knows.
killballs have unique properties. they will probably be expensive with their own sounds and moving graphics.
I dont really think so. There was atleast 10 on screen there. Its not going to be over $75 for a killball
All toys are around $100. The Killball is one of them. YouTube- Halo Reach Panel at Comic-Con 2010 - Part 2‎ the video was from http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-forge-discussion/101653-forge-video-thread.html#post1215420 anyways, at 10:02 you can see him go into toys section. In the toy section you can have 10 toys on the map. all toys inside the menu are $100 hopee that helped
That's because we don't need a stationary kill ball now with the kill zones, so I'm guessing the kill balls are movable. Depends on the object setting a object to "Normal" sets it to what physics the object would normally be. So a pallet on Normal would be movable and destructible but that giant wall on Normal would be immovable. So basically if everything was Normal it would be like Halo 3's forge.
Yeah it's honestly probably closer to a 4000 dollar sandbox budget. Not to mention that 100 cap on block type items, wall type, etc. That's less than we have now (120 walls for sandbox I believe).
Compared to a 1,500 of Halo 3 that we glitched to probably used at least 2,000. So I would say that's about right. (lockout H3=2k,lockout HR=5k,I like using this comparison) We don't need as many objects though, With that huge wall to cover any boundary's or floors etc, but the main objects are gonna cost more but there's a bigger budget so in comparison there still cheaper but the smaller items are costing about the same which allows for a LOT! more items.
I'm sure we'll be able to recreate the Ultimate Budget Glitch and everything will be dandy. You guys shouldn't worry so much about it. :]
It may be a bit less, but with all of the variety of items, you won't need to construct your whole map with blocks and walls anymore. What used to take 3 pieces to make, now may only take 1.
True^ But am i the only one who thinks maps are going to have the same look? all the same towers and such... its going to be bland and predictable
I really don't see why people care about the look. People never complained about Sandbox. I guess Foundry was an option, but no-one used it. Also, Forerunner is the best theme, as they made many of these fantastic structures. Also, the Forerunner theme has featured in many of the previous maps, which makes it perfect for remakes. Also they are the base of the whole franchise, so it is only fitting that the Forerunners should be the theme to forge with. And even if it looks the same each time, it hardly takes away from the fun does it?
Forging will be easy, but the creativity will always be hard. To be on the top of the game you need to think of a map that'll be original and innovative.