Hey fellow forgehubians, I'm currently working on a basic map and gametype that is based around the Search and Destroy gametype from the Call of Duty Series. The main premise is: - The defenders, have ten seconds at the start of the game to get out of their spawn and take a position on the map. - The attackers, have ten seconds at the start of the game trapped in a small box, with five guns to choose from. They are then teleported through to the map. - It's first to score four points. - Attackers have to plant the bomb. - Everyone has 1 life. Now, we've all seen the reach videos and we all know that reach will let us push so many boundaries that halo 3 has held down on us. I'm not 100% sure where i'm going with this thread, but I guess that well, what would you guys like to see in a halo style search and destroy gametype, how should the map be arranged (such as linear, close quarters, circular, epic, etc.), should players be able to choose classes (Loadouts), should there be weapons on the map and what should the damage be (similar to CoD (very quick kills) or stick with the halo style damage)??????? I'm not sure if there are any other attempts of trying to rebuild search and destroy in Halo 3, but I want to be the first to try it in Halo: Reach. Kind regards, tuEgg
Pretty sure this should either be in the Reach Ideas thread or Halo:3 section. But at least 3 people will make Search and Destroy the best you can in Reach and I think it should be the default Halo:Reach settings but SnD or to mimic COD best you can.
Yeah, you should have one with regular settings and two bombs with 4 minute time limt/4 rounds. And another where it takes like 6 bullets from an AR,2 from the DMR, 3 from the magnum and so on...
Its funny, I was actually planning on doing this myself. But if it helps to bounce ideas around, I'll tell you how I've thought about it so far. I've tried this in Halo 3 a few times but it didn't work too well, mainly because of trying to set up a way for people to select a class setup without using up most of the budget. I imagine loadouts in Reach will eliminate that problem. I was thinking 5 loadouts to choose from at the beginning of the game. Probably something along the lines of: Marksman > DMR, Magnum, Sprint, 1x Frag Sharpshooter > Sniper Rifle, Magnum, Sprint, 1x Plasma Grenadier > Assault Rifle, Grenade Launcher, Sprint, 1x Frag Commando > Assault Rifle, Energy Sword, Sprint, 1x Plasma Sweeper > Shotgun, Magnum, Sprint, 2x Frag Not really the same as making your own class but I think it mimics the typical classes people make pretty well. The gametype would, of course, be Assault. But in order to give it the real SnD feel, the bomb spawn point would basically have to be the same as the bomb plant point. Probably want to alter the bomb carrier traits so that movement speed is reduced to 25% so that they can't really move while their planting the bomb. It would be a 5 sec plant and 5 sec defuse just like SnD. 1 point for blowing up the target, which also ends the round. Not sure if its possible to award a point for shutting out the attackers, but maybe in Reach. If not that means that to win, your team would have to score 4 times while attacking. If it is possible then that means first to 4 wins the game. I'd say 7 rounds would suffice, just to make sure that some team actually reaches 4 points instead of it ending like 3:2 or 2:1. I am aware that that also means that a team could win 7:0, but maybe that would be exciting, who knows? Players would deal 100% damage and be able to take 100% damage, but would have no shields. If Reach is like Halo 3 then most weapons will be able to kill with about 4 shots to the body or 1 to 2 to the head, provided the player has no shield. Well thats about as far as I've thought into it.
Yeah on my map i have it set up so that the attackers get to choose a from 5 different weapons at the start, and the defenders have to use guns on the map already. But i agree with you, loadouts should completely eliminate this problem. But with your idea of having the bomb plant point on the bomb spawn point, it means that there could only be 1 site, as there can only be one bomb.. i think? Furthermore, the killing style would be different from cod, because it takes longer to kill on halo than cod, and with your settings it would pretty much be SWAT. Hopefully in reach there will be more indepth customisation for all gametypes, not just firefight.
Well, I would prefer to play a Halo version, I can't stand CoD's quick kills. Sniper AA: Evade Primary:Sniper Rifle Secondary: Magnum 2 Frag spawn Marksman AA: Sprint Primary: DMR Secondary: Needle Rifle 2 Plasma spawn Grenadier AA: Armor Lock Primary: 'Nade Launcher Secondary: Shotgun All nade spawn Medic AA: Drop Shield Primary: Shotgun Secondary: Magnum 2 Plasma spawn New Classic AA: Jetpack Primary: Assault Rifle Secondary: Magnum No nade spawn If you make the game 1 life, put it on 2 life and make the respawn time longer than the game. That way, the game doesn't end until someone scores or the game ends. Thats how I did SaD in Halo 3. I hope I helped.
you have a good point on the comparisons to SWAT... perhaps something like 120% to 150% damage resistance with no shields may help that a bit. Its hard to tell without actually playing the game. And I'm pretty sure that you can actually have more than one bomb in an assault game but not 100% sure on that. I'm really hoping that the custom games options will be at least as in depth as firefight if not more so. I guess will just have to see.