UPDATE: Could a mod please change the name of this thread to DeathDrop with the Map Preview prefix? Thanks... This is a sample competetive map I am designing in sketchup with Mickraider and Bartoge's advanced reach sketchup objects. I am going to add more but I want to know what you guys would think help the map. BEFORE YOU POST: I know it is just some walkways and looks very linear. I just want to see what the community want's me to put in. I have the basic idea designed, with some new design on the way, but I want to know what people want me to put in. Here are some pics: Overview Red Side Blue Side Tell me what I can do to make it better and what you think about it. If u can't see the pics tell me. Pics of updated version: Side View 1 Side View 2 Overview Yes, I know there is only one path of travel. I am going to add more soon. The next time I work on it. Also, the giant forerunner structure will be either built on a seperate map or not included in the sketchup version...
one way roads usually lead to mass amounts of camping and ambushing because of the sight lines. I like the idea of symmetry you have going on here, but i would suggest objects to bee put in the way of view points to possibly prevent grenade spamming knowing where the other team is moving, because from the way it looks, each team can see each other straight from the spawn.
Yeah, I know. I already thought of this. There are going to be multiple levels when I bring it into Reach but this was kind of a test to get used how sketchup works. Also, if anyone has tips for aligning objects in sketchup please tell me.
Add the half covers that fit over the roads in places along with some of the arches that you can change the colors of to help break up the monotonous feeling a otherwise interesting little map this is. However the middle needs something. Some sort of holographic looking thing? Rock garden? Sculpture? Buncha blinking lights I dunno but it's really open and not a whole lot of sights to see. Where are you thinking of putting that Flash?
I'm thinking to make a giant forerunner structure thing in the middle and around the entire structure. It'll be over the ocean so it'll sort of have a scenic feel to it. I think I'll have a giant drill to. It'll be a forerunner research facility looking for something beneath the ocean.
It will... Remember this is just a prototype when I got the basic idea from messing around with sketchup. It won't be exactly as it is. I actually got mad with sketchup cuz I was trying to make the 5x5 wall, short on the flat side but It wouldn't let me so that is why there isn't much walkroom. That is just the out walkway of the map. The inside will be a giant forerunner structure thing likr I said before.
This. There needs to be WAY more walking space. Narrow pathways are fine, but only in a moderate amount. Lockout is a good example of this. There are plenty of pathways, but at the same time there is a lot of open space to move around in.
Try putting a 2 or 3 story building in the center and a 2 story inside of each of the loops. Then connect the 3 buildings with more walkways.
Yeah, I'm adding some buildings and more walkways, look at the new pics and tell me what you guys think.
Yeah, Srry for late reply I seem to be doing that alot... Please do not count this as a bump moderators... It's not. Yeah, I've been working on it on and off as of now because I have developed a new very quote and quote interesting gametype that I will release more info on as the countdown to reach weakenes. Its looking good (Both the new Idea and this one.) Just to let you guys know, I'll give you a little info on the new gametype... It's stealth based (Kind of) and its called Mortars. Its going to be quite interesting.
It's coming along nicley, but I'm not digging the long, one-way paths. At all. It's too isolated from the map and walking along that winding little path alone without cover seems very bland and weird to me. The verticallity of the map is great though, just the outside paths are too dislocated from everything else.
Yes I am aware of this... I am adding shorter, more direct paths and there will definately be more cover. But I'm keeping the small details for last... As of now I am adding more "Aesthetic" Features... You'll see what I mean when I release more info.
no offense right... but i find sketch-up really hard to use. why spend all this time making a map on sketch up, surely you can be THAT impatient. just do a sketch on paper or sommat. --- i mean it looks cool and all... it just poses the question: WHY?!