by xSharpshooter94 --This is not a Modded Map-- --1900 Downloads!!!-- Please Comment glitch found by CMNeir and the H3T crew remade by xSharpshooter94 and Cheetaman94 I've designed a map where if you put the right settings on you will be able to clone yourself. Obviously Not you, or anybody else for that matter, will be able to control your clone, It will just stand there and look cool(lol). This glitch is able to be performed on either forge or custom games but it sometimes doesn't work if you are host. The game settings are pretty much normal except you have to lower the damage resistance to either 50% or 10%. The you start the game, hurt yourself with the soccerball and rip off one of the turrents. then you'll have .your very own clone. Horray for you! special thanks to cheetaman94 for the hosting of the vid and testing of the map. Video Tutorial:YouTube - Halo 3 how to clone yourself [1700+ downloads] Download Map : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
what the hell!? this glitch is pretty awesome . btw i don't think it even belongs in casual forums. possibly forge disscussion
lol this is awesome, go punch the ground and die, lol but this could be a map i guess since you do download the one he built, but idk really, just keep it here till the mods move it or the tell you to, thats your best bet
this was originally found by buddhacrane right here at hih just to let you know guys. and its a pretty cool glitch.
cool! this could actually come in handy when making a map, though it looks a little time consuming to make. would you mind posting a map where the tools for cloning are set up and then its just a matter of us doing it ourselves? that would be excellent
lol I knew about the punching the ground (apparently a bruised knuckle is technically damaging yourself). I saw a video of a guy who tried to recreate the missile in the mancannon on rats nest, then he went and punched the ground and killed himself. I can make a screenshot full of those people lol. My own little clone army so to speak.
Yes it is a standing dead body and it does stay around a little longer than a regular dead body, but its still a dead body and it will disappear.
no mods I actually have no idea how to mod a map or where to even get is so that just put a giant hole in your logic,lol