Total Eclipse

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by Darth Dudy, Aug 8, 2010.

  1. Darth Dudy

    Darth Dudy Ancient
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    Total Eclipse <-----------------Download

    Well this is a map made by me(no longer Darth Dudy, new GT: Save The Hobo)....It's been at least 2 years since i forged any racetracks, so i decided to make a map and see if i still had some forging skills....
    This is what turned out...


    View of the hill,under the hill, and tunnel:

    Cool little spiral turn:

    Destination right after spiral turn:

    Overview 1:

    Overview 2:


    Questions & Answers:

    Q: What inspired your creation?
    A: Well it's been 2 years since i have actually started making more maps. This was also my first time forging on me this was just a test to see if i had still had all my forging skills(or what's left,LOL).

    Q: What Aspect took the longest to make?
    A: i would say the longest aspect would have to have been the hill at the start, i mean i just couldn't get the darn thing to be smooth,(yes, its still a little bumpy) but other than that nothing really took that long.

    This map probably took me at least 3 to 5 days to make...

    Thanks to Tay25 or iTz xxxDanglesxxx for taking screenshots. since i dont have a hard drive...

    Hope you liked it....

    -Dudy out
    Total Eclipse <----------------Download
    #1 Darth Dudy, Aug 8, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2010
  2. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    Well i am not really a fan of race tracks but you have done and awesome job on this map, hardly anyone make ground tracks anymore, they are always in the skybox. Your map looks very smooth and i very well interlocked. Does this support RACETRACKS and all the other game variants? Overall i download before an it is pretty darn well made.

    Keep up the good work.
    #2 Combat P3nguin, Aug 8, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2010
  3. Darth Dudy

    Darth Dudy Ancient
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    Thanks penguin and yes it does support RACETRACKS variant...
    Forgehub will hopefully be seeing 2 more maps made by me before reach comes out...
  4. Battleman36

    Battleman36 Ancient
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    thank you for posting pictures! lol. but anyway good map. i liked it. but for others you should maybe make your pics just a little bigger. but its nothing that is really necessary. good job
  5. Darth Dudy

    Darth Dudy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah i couldnt find out how t make my pictures any bigger...
    Sorry, but thanks for the comments
  6. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What image uploader do you use?

    Use imageshack or Photobucket there the ones i find easy to upload
    #6 Combat P3nguin, Aug 8, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2010
  7. Darth Dudy

    Darth Dudy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I use photobucket but this was the largest size
  8. Doodot

    Doodot Forerunner

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    Uhrrrm Im going to have to step in here! Plenty of good Racetracks are made recently just hardly any of them are posted on Forgehub, if you look on Halotracks good maps are posted regularly! Most of them aren't in the skybox, im making one at the moment in the middle area! Get your facts right before you say stuff like that! :p Sorry if I sound a bit mean, im veeerrryyy pedantic!
  9. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    Well i am sorry but i just don't go on Halotracks, my computer will not load the site so i would have not had a clue. Thanks for telling me though.

    As i said i am not a fan of Racetracks so don't expect me to be on HaloTracks

    And Darth Dudy on Photobucket you shouldn't need to change the size of the picture it should upload the size of thr real picture. When posting it on forgehub is should resize and change to a smaller picture, But if that doesn't work try imageshack
    #9 Combat P3nguin, Aug 8, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2010
  10. Darth Dudy

    Darth Dudy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    alright thanks penguin
  11. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
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    I had quite a bit of fun playing this. It's not terribly easy, nor is it excruciatingly difficult. There are some sections that may strain your handling skills and cause you to fall if you don't ease off the acceleration, but there isn't much more to it than that. The repetitive turns will get to you by your fifth-or-so runthrough, so this probably won't be a keeper. Still, it's a well built map.
    Total Eclipse is a totally linear track with no intended shortcuts or alternate routes (I will elaborate on this later). It is also double-width, which allows for passing and side-by-side action. However, there are sections of the track that are not so accommodating for such action. There is an area where one portion of the track crosses over another too closely, causing some racers to be bumped - or even completely stopped - if they are too close to the right side. The end from a similar problem: racers near the right may collide with a barrier.

    This track is easily broken. From the very start of the race it is possible to simply drive through the VIP destination if they avoid the grav lift on the left. It is even possible to do this on foot, so long as you aim your jump away from the teleporters. Similarly, they can bypass many parts of the map by immediately going outside and to the right of the starting barriers. From there you drive up on where the track touches the ground.

    For the most part, Total Eclipse is a clean and smooth ride - with the exception of the beginning. The transition from the ground to the floating track is kicked off with a harsh bump, as is the second hill. Even the ending has notable deviation from the otherwise prevalent smoothness.

    Besides this, Total Eclipse is a well built map. It's many banks and intricate structure look impressive while driving. However, there is nothing to guide you after you fall off course since the remainder of the budget was spent on a largely pointless and sloppily built pair of hills at the start of the course.

    Here's where the cracks start to show. Though fun at first, there isn't much to set this double-wide winding track apart from the others. There are no aberrations from the bland formula of just banking right. No jumps. No risks. Don't get me wrong: what this track does it does reasonably well; it just doesn't bring anything new to the table.

    Total Eclipse's mostly smooth track can't hide it's redundancies and total lack of design risks, but it still makes for a fun racing experience.

    Enjoyment: 8/10
    Balance: 7/10
    Durability: 6/10
    Aesthetics: 8/10
    Originality: 5/10
    Average: 6.8

    Final rating:

  12. Darth Dudy

    Darth Dudy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well why don't you just hate on my map then.... lol jk man
    i know plus it was my first map in 2 years so, but yeah i hope the other maps i make are a whole lot better... thanks for the overall stats though :)
  13. Tay25

    Tay25 Forerunner
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    Aren't reviews supposed to be talking about the positive and negative aspects of the track not just the negatives...

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