Forge World Advanced Sketchup Objects

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Vincent Torre, Aug 7, 2010.

  1. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The long awaited Advanced set of Forge World sketchup components is now available!

    Me and Bartoge did the best we could at both accuracy and scale. As this is a pre-release set we did have to estimate in some cases but it should be accurate enough to do some pre-reach planning.

    We built a ton of new objects and toys for you to play with. Since we took the vehicles and weapon tokens from the previous pack they haven't been updated with the new items. These will be included in the complete set once reach is released or we get better details.


    Click Here to Download!

    Here's an image of all the objects new to the advanced set.


    If you build a map using the basic set, click here for instructions on how to transfer it to the advanced set.

    Click Here to Download Google Sketchup
    #1 Vincent Torre, Aug 7, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2010
  2. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    yesss..Thanks Mick. I'm gonna play around with em for awhile. I'm sure this will keep me occupied until Reach.
  3. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    Using sketchup is so confusing. I can't even figure out how rotate objects to an angle, let alone move objects on the Y-axis.

    Is there something I am missing?
  4. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
    Senior Member

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    A lot of it is mouse coordination. You have to move your mouse around till it snaps to the axis, and then move it.

    As for the angles, using the move tool if you click on the red +'s it'll bring up a rotation mode where you can rotate it around the center. If you want to rotate about a point like the end, you have to use the rotate tool, click the end point you want to rotate about, and a point along the piece you want to lever from.

    I'm working on part 2 of our 201 series, Vision, which should hopefully explain sketchup fairly well.
    #4 Vincent Torre, Aug 7, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2010
  5. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    You guys, you guys are completely awesome. I shall download this now and see if I can get any cool skybubble style maps planned before launch. :) Thanks a bunch!
  6. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice. Thanks Mick, looks great.
  7. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Is it too much to ask for an approximate model of forgeworld? Just like an ugly version. It would ne cool to visualize it and get my bearings.
  8. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    *Submitted to be reviewed for the Bungie Blog*
  9. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry but this is just too complex of an undertaking at the moment. We have very limited angles and viewpoints to really get anything very accurate.

    We'll work on areas if we can and hopefully the complete set will include a more accurate version of each.

    Plus we do want to spend some time designing out own maps :)

    Thanks nick, you rock.
  10. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah that's okay I wasn't expecting it. Sticky plox?
  11. SniperViper76

    SniperViper76 Forerunner

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    You say after reach you'll make them really accurate...
    Anyone who wants this will be getting reach.
  12. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Some people, like me, prefer to plan using sketchup as we're much faster with it and are not always at an xbox. The more accurate we can make them the better our models will come out.
  13. SniperViper76

    SniperViper76 Forerunner

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    I suppose thats true.
    But still its alot harder transfering your designs
    i never used sketchup before
    If your not on xbox and your that good at 3d design.
    Just sketch it?
    but hey im not gonna throw down your ways comepletely w/e works for you
  14. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah no hard feelings. I can definitely understand that. I've designed all my maps in sketchup and it made it incredibly quick to rebuild in forge knowing what goes where. I'm also pretty proficient in 3D modeling so sketchup is easier and quicker than drawing for me.

    Whatever works for you.
  15. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Since design is king, and no design in history has ever come out perfectly on the first draft, Sketchup is ten times better for drafting and tinkering than directly forging. Just copy/paste and moving objects as a group alone save what would be hours of work in Halo. Yes, even with Reach's vastly improved toolset.

    Also, Mick you're awesome. Bartoge you need an MLG account so I can +rep you too.
  16. Short Bizzle

    Short Bizzle Ancient
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    Sketch up works wonders with co-forging. Here's a map I made with Mick called Archipelago (in this write up you can hover your mouse over the screen shots to see the original sketchup image). He designed it all on sketchup and I simply forged it. It was super easy with minimal communication because his design was 3D in sketchup. I could look at each piece and hide others to make it easier to build off these blue prints. I literally had the whole thing fleshed out and playable in three days! This makes forging soooo much easier!

    I personally just use a simple sketch to do my own maps because my computer blows. lol

    EDIT: Great job Mick! I wish my computer didn't take 20 min to simply open firefox, otherwise I would attempt to open sketchup and give these a gander. I did get some ideas just by looking at your screen shot, and I noticed a lot of details that I didn't see in the original Bungie image. A big thanks to Bartoge for getting the ball rolling on this project, all his help along the way and starting the OT! I'm sure the community will be popping out maps faster than a lot lizard pops out babies in a trailer park!
    #16 Short Bizzle, Aug 8, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2010
  17. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Quality thanks guys! This is epic, this thread should be publicised more than it currently is.
  18. SniperViper76

    SniperViper76 Forerunner

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    Yea my computer blows so i can never do anything with 3d modeling it has trouble rendering that kind of stuff.
    I guess thats why in halo 3 my maps all sucked. But it really had to do with forging skill i actually learned how to ghost merge yesterday around this time.
    But i understand completely as you do. Whatever you work best with is what you use and i guess forge is best for me cause i suck at drawing and my computer sucks.

    Yeah i understand that too. If i could i would have a pro forger and make maps on 3d modeling and have them make it for me and me be in the game giving pointers and such.
    But at the same time i think i wouldnt because i love forging. I'm (no term that i know of..maybe you guys have one?) a random forger. I go in game with friends and we just do whatever usually we get in warthogs and drive around. get in falcons and chase each other down while were in mongooses. Whatever happens. but with the new tools given to us..? nope. of course random forging will always be there.
    But i made a map called "cannon wars" in halo 3 and it was so popular among my friends and their friends. its kinda what got me alot of my friends. i made it in 2/27/08 so yeah i had no idea about any forge techniques.
    its just a damn map on foundry where the rooms are cut off and its just the box map.
    two stacks of double boxes and 4 man cannons on each side.
    Well in forge world i can remake it to such perfection.
    that i just cant experience through a 3d program

    Yeah If you read my above post it sorta was directed towards you too.
    #18 SniperViper76, Aug 8, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2010
  19. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Sketchup is far from required, and for people who enjoy the process of playing as they build or just randomly building, it isn't as fun, but for people whose ultimate goal is to have the best map they can, sketchup is incredibly helpful. You don't lose points for not doing a sketchup first, and you don't win points for doing one either, the only thing that matters is the end product.
  20. SniperViper76

    SniperViper76 Forerunner

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    Well to me its really fun
    Because when i do make a map when im with friends were usually 4v4 just for laughs while i make a map and hurd them into it. and i just watch the result.
    and if i dont like what i see.
    I dont save it.

    (to sketchup)
    I would really like it if everyone did a sketchup to in-game comparison.
    But that does nothing to show the thing everyone cares about. (the map)

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