Is there any other reason to get Halo Reach? I just wish Bungie kept the raise/lower feature. Step 1: pick up a crate Step 2: move forward using the crate as a shield Step 3: lift the crate Step 4: drop the crate on a grunt, repeat
I remember a DevMod where there was a drivable forklift. I also said hold "F to Drive Forklift". I was like PC Halo 3? WTF.
the forklift is really only there for the lolz. it weak, cant splatter and is a one man vehicle. think slow, one man mongoose
Thus slow. If the mongoose was driving slowly it can't splatter. I am looking forward to some really fun bumper cars variations with this puppy. (Only on Boneyard maybe?)
You should be able to lift the pointy things and impale people on it. It would be slow, but insta kill like in halo ce. Get five people on there and BAM! You've got yourself a death kabob. That should totally be a medal.
awesome forky desktop from this makes me think of wall-e it'd be awesome if you could use the forks, and make a map where you have to build your ramp out of a room or something....
Oh yeah. Knockout races. I'm gonna make one where your on a high sleek road in the sky, and you knock eachother off and get to the checkpoints... l o l
I believe I read there were more or even many more, but i'm not positive. edit; so far those are those are the two confirmed.
I would like a bike i know modders made a mongoose into a bike but seriously wouldn't that be aweseom also some segways for the real pros
I was talking to Rorak Koroda (I think...) and he told me somebody asked this, and bungie said there was motorcycles too. However don't hold me to this, because I don't know how reliable the source is.
i want and have mentioned on as well I think here of an ODST droppable Motorbike that looked like a two wheeled mongoose that basically was the UNSC response to the ghost. Two SMG like guns on the sides and a big windshield cowl thing that made it look like a cobra, hense the nickname cobra. Completely exposed the driver and maybe passenger (Brokeback moto?) but the speed and acceleration were it's vices. I never saw the modded Mongoose. Wish I had.
you already got a forky, but now you want cars, skateboards, and pronz?????????? and i will bet you $10000 at 10 to 1 odds splattering someone in firefight with a forky is an achievement.
Easy use the cussive force of the new brute shot replacement gun against friendly forky driver and send him into the air at covenant forces. Splat.