Reach GAMETYPE discussion thread

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by HLG FlashPoint, Aug 6, 2010.

  1. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    Seeing as their are many Map Idea Threads and no gametype threads, I thought why not make a gametype thread. This is not to discuss the official gametype. It is to think of gametypes that would be fun for multiple maps. Gametypes like Judgement, Conquest, Asset, Agents, Team Zlayer, etc,etc... This is to think of gametypes that could be possibly fun for every to enjoy like the ones above.
    I have a couple Ideas but I need to think of them some more.


    Enough Dead Heros on A Rescue Mission (L337 Commando)
    I have a gametype idea called "Rescue Mission".
    It's based on Infection, but with a few twists.
    The lone Alpha Zombie is referred to as "The Chief" and has improved shields, damage, and maybe speed, the non-infected players are Elites (hopefully we can make Spartan VS Elite Infection games), and the players that get infected are the "Marines" and have less shields, damage, and speed than the Alpha.

    Rescue Mission is designed for a map idea named "Enough Dead Heroes" [working title]. There are four or so Forerunner forts where the Elites spawn. In the forts, there is a "prison" where "Marines" are "kept" (the prison has a one-way shield door leading outward from the interior). When an Elite is killed by the Chief, the Elite is infected and respawns as a Marine in the "prison", and they can walk out (it's not like they're actually trapped; as far as the story, the Elite dying is what frees them) and help out the Chief. The Chief has to go around to each of the forts and kill the Elites and free the Marines within (and don't worry, each fort will have a different-colored light high in the sky so you can find your way around).

    The map design was inspired by the Halo CE mission "Halo" and the prison idea was inspired by "Truth and Reconciliation". Among the forts (which will be medium-sized and fairly simple and not too complex or anything...unless the budget allows for cool stuff) there are downed Falcons (you can't ride the Falcon, it's just there as a prop) scattered throughout the map that have ammo and health packs.

    The Elites start with an Energy Sword, Plasma Repeater, 1 Sticky, Evade, and infinite ammo, and can operate turrets but cannot drive any vehicles. The Chief starts with a DMR, Shotgun, 2 Frags, Sprint, and can pick up ammo and weapons and operate turrets and drive land vehicles. The Marines start with an Assault Rifle, Magnum, 0 Frags, Sprint, and can also pick up ammo and weapons and operate turrets and drive land vehicles. No one can operate the Falcons, since they're just props.

    Aside from "Enough Dead Heroes" which will be a large map, I was also thinking of having a scaled-down map with one central fort. Each battle involves the Chief attacking the fort, killing Elites, and the Marines running out to help the Chief, all in one engagement (unless the Chief decides to run away to regain his strength and attack again). This smaller-scale battle might be better since it can be more controlled and prevent running away and camping, and I could have multiple settings for this version (ie: An interior, a floating fortress, a section of "Enough Dead Heroes", etc.)

    I have some things that need ironing-out.
    First: I need an objective or something that prevents the last couple Elites from abandoning their post and camping while the Chief looks around aimlessly. Perhaps Reach will have a "safe zone" feature, where the non-infected players must reach a special territory in order to achieve victory, instead of just camping out somewhere random.
    Second: Should I change the equipment of the characters? (Weapons, Armor Abilities, etc.) Should the Chief have an advantage over the Elites? Should the Marines be fairly weak?
    Third: How should I handle respawning for the Chief and Marines? Should the Chief only have a few or even just 1 life? Should the Marines only have 1 respawn after getting infected? Should Marines respawn in the "prisons" they started in, or maybe in a separate location? Should the Chief have multiple spawn points? Should the Chief's and the Marines' respawn locations be shared? (ie: A big LZ)
    Fourth: Could "Enough Dead Heroes" be too big? Will Soft Kill Volumes be enough to keep players from running away while still allowing enough exploration? Should Elites always have waypoints visible to the enemy so they don't just run away and camp? Should Marines have waypoints visible by the enemy? [I don't think the Chief needs a waypoint since he's the one on the search and rescue mission here, and it also adds to his role as a predator.]
    Fifth: How many and what kinds of weapons and vehicles should be on "Enough Dead Heroes"? Should it consist of just Warthogs and other light vehicles, or would a Wraith be a good asset to give the Elites? Should the combat be more focused on the infantry instead of adding big power weapons and vehicles? How different should the weapons and vehicles be between "Enough Dead Heroes" and smaller maps?

    Any and all feedback is greatly long as it's constructive. I know it's early to start making gametypes that rely on features that aren't confirmed just yet, but I didn't want to keep sitting on the idea. I want to start the development process before being lost amongst other gametypes that are sure to crop up right around Reach's release. Thanks for reading and helping
    If you'd like to help me build "Enough Dead Heroes" or any other map ideas, send me a friend request and we can work together once Reach comes out (although I'm still cool with Halo 3 Forge). ]!
    Aliens on LV-426 (TheGreatHibiki)
    Aliens (though I am making a map for this as well called fittingly LV-426)

    Similar to Predator, the alien (elite (hope to force that) black armor) is fast, low gravity, and with reach adding sprint (making it obscenely fast). Instead of the full cloak like Predators have you have bad camo (making it like the moving cloak of reach) It's better suited to dark maps with lost of flashing lights and dark areas. The alien will have a sword and whatever weapon is DARK colored so stealth is possible. Any marine killed would wait a minute or so then brought in as a alien. Weaker than the queen but still fast and low gravity.

    Aliens have greater health but like the movie group fire will bring one down.

    Original Zombie/Queen: Sword, ?/Sprint
    Drone: Sword/Evade
    Ridged: Sword/Evade

    Marines three choices of modes (spartans green armor) all with limited radar no sheilds, base speed and jump.
    Grunt: AR/pistol/frag/No AA.
    Medic: Pistol/Drop Shield (if the shield heals other units that is.)
    Heavy: Rocket launcher(or grenade launcher), AR/No AA.

    The queen only spawns once and once dead only the aliens it has made can continue (I might make it if possible any dying marines allow a life for the queen). Killing the queen gets you 5 extra points, aliens killing a Marine 2, and the marine left alive the longest gets an extra ten points. Any marines who survive till the end of the game win. Good luck in that.
    Sniper Mission on Secret Ops (IxFlashPointxI)
    This gametype could work on basically any map that is big enough so the snipers aren't immediately spotted.

    It would be like... Two Snipers (Infected) spawn at the edge of blood gulch. They are armed with a Sniper and an Assault Rifle (With Ammo Pack if they have it) 30 Seconds into the game, Sunset comes, at 90 the map is completely darkened. It is the Zombies job to kill every human. It'll be set in an urban environment with multiple buildings with many floors. They need to work their way to the top why'll the humans search for them. Their Shields Don't regenerate because the mission was top secret so they couldn't spend too much money or else it would be suspicious. So basically its Snipe the Innocent the Humans while they try to f*** you up the a** with their Over powerdernessess...
    Unamed Gametype
    I was thinking that idea, only making it so you loose points if you are inside the hill and give every one hammers. Try and hit it towards your enemies,
    Snipes and Pipes -
    Sniper Rifle + Grenade launcher spawns. The GL(Pro pipe) will make a good counter or make for some nice multi kills if pulled off right. It will probably mostly come down to flushing people out of cover then picking them off. I just love the name <3
    #1 HLG FlashPoint, Aug 6, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2010
  2. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    #2 WWWilliam, Aug 6, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2010
  3. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    ...Well, william, that link you linked to is for map discussion, this is gametype discussion
    However, lol, that thread already exists also. Here
  4. L337 Commando

    L337 Commando Ancient
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    William, that's the Map Idea thread.
    Noxiw, that's just anticipating real gametypes, not sharing ideas for original gametypes.

    Now, I posted this in the Map Ideas thread, but this is a more fitting thread for my idea.

    I have a gametype idea called "Rescue Mission".
    It's based on Infection, but with a few twists.
    The lone Alpha Zombie is referred to as "The Chief" and has improved shields, damage, and maybe speed, the non-infected players are Elites (hopefully we can make Spartan VS Elite Infection games), and the players that get infected are the "Marines" and have less shields, damage, and speed than the Alpha.

    Rescue Mission is designed for a map idea named "Enough Dead Heroes" [working title]. There are four or so Forerunner forts where the Elites spawn. In the forts, there is a "prison" where "Marines" are "kept" (the prison has a one-way shield door leading outward from the interior). When an Elite is killed by the Chief, the Elite is infected and respawns as a Marine in the "prison", and they can walk out (it's not like they're actually trapped; as far as the story, the Elite dying is what frees them) and help out the Chief. The Chief has to go around to each of the forts and kill the Elites and free the Marines within (and don't worry, each fort will have a different-colored light high in the sky so you can find your way around).

    The map design was inspired by the Halo CE mission "Halo" and the prison idea was inspired by "Truth and Reconciliation". Among the forts (which will be medium-sized and fairly simple and not too complex or anything...unless the budget allows for cool stuff) there are downed Falcons (you can't ride the Falcon, it's just there as a prop) scattered throughout the map that have ammo and health packs.

    The Elites start with an Energy Sword, Plasma Repeater, 1 Sticky, Evade, and infinite ammo, and can operate turrets but cannot drive any vehicles. The Chief starts with a DMR, Shotgun, 2 Frags, Sprint, and can pick up ammo and weapons and operate turrets and drive land vehicles. The Marines start with an Assault Rifle, Magnum, 0 Frags, Sprint, and can also pick up ammo and weapons and operate turrets and drive land vehicles. No one can operate the Falcons, since they're just props.

    Aside from "Enough Dead Heroes" which will be a large map, I was also thinking of having a scaled-down map with one central fort. Each battle involves the Chief attacking the fort, killing Elites, and the Marines running out to help the Chief, all in one engagement (unless the Chief decides to run away to regain his strength and attack again). This smaller-scale battle might be better since it can be more controlled and prevent running away and camping, and I could have multiple settings for this version (ie: An interior, a floating fortress, a section of "Enough Dead Heroes", etc.)

    I have some things that need ironing-out.
    First: I need an objective or something that prevents the last couple Elites from abandoning their post and camping while the Chief looks around aimlessly. Perhaps Reach will have a "safe zone" feature, where the non-infected players must reach a special territory in order to achieve victory, instead of just camping out somewhere random.
    Second: Should I change the equipment of the characters? (Weapons, Armor Abilities, etc.) Should the Chief have an advantage over the Elites? Should the Marines be fairly weak?
    Third: How should I handle respawning for the Chief and Marines? Should the Chief only have a few or even just 1 life? Should the Marines only have 1 respawn after getting infected? Should Marines respawn in the "prisons" they started in, or maybe in a separate location? Should the Chief have multiple spawn points? Should the Chief's and the Marines' respawn locations be shared? (ie: A big LZ)
    Fourth: Could "Enough Dead Heroes" be too big? Will Soft Kill Volumes be enough to keep players from running away while still allowing enough exploration? Should Elites always have waypoints visible to the enemy so they don't just run away and camp? Should Marines have waypoints visible by the enemy? [I don't think the Chief needs a waypoint since he's the one on the search and rescue mission here, and it also adds to his role as a predator.]
    Fifth: How many and what kinds of weapons and vehicles should be on "Enough Dead Heroes"? Should it consist of just Warthogs and other light vehicles, or would a Wraith be a good asset to give the Elites? Should the combat be more focused on the infantry instead of adding big power weapons and vehicles? How different should the weapons and vehicles be between "Enough Dead Heroes" and smaller maps?

    Any and all feedback is greatly long as it's constructive. I know it's early to start making gametypes that rely on features that aren't confirmed just yet, but I didn't want to keep sitting on the idea. I want to start the development process before being lost amongst other gametypes that are sure to crop up right around Reach's release. Thanks for reading and helping!

    If you'd like to help me build "Enough Dead Heroes" or any other map ideas, send me a friend request and we can work together once Reach comes out (although I'm still cool with Halo 3 Forge).
  5. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
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    Aliens (though I am making a map for this as well called fittingly LV-426)

    Similar to Predator, the alien (elite (hope to force that) black armor) is fast, low gravity, and with reach adding sprint (making it obscenely fast). Instead of the full cloak like Predators have you have bad camo (making it like the moving cloak of reach) It's better suited to dark maps with lost of flashing lights and dark areas. The alien will have a sword and whatever weapon is DARK colored so stealth is possible. Any marine killed would wait a minute or so then brought in as a alien. Weaker than the queen but still fast and low gravity.

    Aliens have greater health but like the movie group fire will bring one down.

    Original Zombie/Queen: Sword, ?/Sprint
    Drone: Sword/Evade
    Ridged: Sword/Evade

    Marines three choices of modes (spartans green armor) all with limited radar no sheilds, base speed and jump.
    Grunt: AR/pistol/frag/No AA.
    Medic: Pistol/Drop Shield (if the shield heals other units that is.)
    Heavy: Rocket launcher(or grenade launcher), AR/No AA.

    The queen only spawns once and once dead only the aliens it has made can continue (I might make it if possible any dying marines allow a life for the queen). Killing the queen gets you 5 extra points, aliens killing a Marine 2, and the marine left alive the longest gets an extra ten points. Any marines who survive till the end of the game win. Good luck in that.
  6. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That Idea looks pretty accurate. I would love to test it if you make it. L337 Commando, your Idea looks great too. I really want to see these.

    EDIT: I really love the name of your map L337, You need to change the gametype name though.
    Rescue Mission on Enough Dead Heros. Maybe it would work the other way around...
    Enough Dead Heros on Rescue Mission.
    #6 HLG FlashPoint, Aug 6, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2010
  7. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
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    'A' Rescue Mission* That way it would be "Enough Dead Heros on A Rescue Mission". lol.

    And thanks. It popped in my head when I thought of Predator. been wanting a map to do it and flashing lights in reach allow me to make hidiously dark utterly confusing levels of terror.
  8. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    Yeah I wonder how dark you can make it. Purple wit Juicy and Gloomy would look cool...
    I also thought of one Idea.

    Sniper Mission on (A Mysteriously Named Map)

    It would be like... Two Snipers (Infected) spawn at the edge of blood gulch. They are armed with a Sniper and an Assault Rifle (With Ammo Pack if they have it) 30 Seconds into the game, Sunset comes, at 90 the map is completely darkened. It is the Zombies job to kill every human. It'll be set in an urban environment with multiple buildings with many floors. They need to work their way to the top why'll the humans search for them. Their Shields Don't regenerate because the mission was top secret so they couldn't spend too much money or else it would be suspicious. So basically its Snipe the Innocent the Humans while they try to f*** you up the a** with their Over powerdernessess...


    EDIT: L337 I will work on your map with you if you want...
    #8 HLG FlashPoint, Aug 6, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2010
  9. L337 Commando

    L337 Commando Ancient
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    The Gametype is "Rescue Mission" and the map name is "Enough Dead Heroes". Hm, I mean it's just a working title.
  10. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
    Senior Member

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    But it sounds cooler the other way around... Lol.
  11. L337 Commando

    L337 Commando Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Riiiiight, but the GAMETYPE is the Rescue Mission, not the map. I'm gonna make the map be versatile for multiple gametypes, aaaand bleargh.
  12. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    Oh, I was saying that the gametype should be called Enough Dead Heros... It sounds epic. And you should make like a map pack for it. It's something I would play.
  13. L337 Commando

    L337 Commando Ancient
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    Yeah, EDH would sound pretty sexy as a gametype...and it could keep people from confusing it with that VIP gametype.

    And yush, I am planning a map pack. Prolly 3 or 4 maps. The Big Four-Fort Map, a smaller fort map, a three-layered awesome **** fort, and maybe another map where each fort is connected with teleporters and man-cannons. Oh this sounds shmexy.
  14. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah it does... I will make 1 or 2 maps with you if you want too. I'm like kinda having an **** over being able to actualy co forge something... Lol but I have to go. See ya all.
  15. L337 Commando

    L337 Commando Ancient
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    I could always use help testing man cannons and just making cool forts! :D
  16. oberlin

    oberlin Ancient
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    I know they tossed out the idea of having a Warthog as a base for KOTH, so I'm wondering if a similar idea would work-

    In the gulch area, block off both ends, set a soccer ball as the hill. Basically, play Rocket Race with this soccer ball in the mix. with a decent size area around the ball as the hill.

    Or, set it inside, and give everyone hammers.
  17. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    I think this is quite similar to LRMAN's idea. His idea was to put the ball as the hill and have to keep it away from the other team with wharthogs.

    EDIT: You should check with him... Just to e sure.b
  18. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
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    Wow I Like that. Use all vehicles that can be driver only and chase the soccer ball around.


    Hope the soccer ball is back.
  19. L337 Commando

    L337 Commando Ancient
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    Oh it is, Hibiki. There could be some interesting stuff with those toys. Unfortunately, Bungie said that you CANNOT make a 'Hog or a Ball be the bomb or flag, but you can make it the target for the bomb and stuff. We'll see how it all works out.
  20. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    I think LRMAN already claimed this idea. He called it HaloBall after HaloBall mod in Halo CE. You can check my idea thread for it.
    I have an Idea where you rescue the VIP who spawns in a box (like the one I am making in Halo 3). You have to find something to unlock his cell to get him out. I am going to have multiple gametypes for it though.

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