Bungie confirmed, dont have the source, that elite armors do not cost credits, but are unlocked with ranks. I believe Ultra is unlocked at Warrant Officer. So just rank up and they become available.
i think there is to little amount of elite armor still, No councilor armor? or honor guard? oh well the ultra and zealot still look ****ing bad ass
I think Bungie intentionally made the Elite armor much more badass than the Spartan armor to make up for the fact that there isn't even that much of it when compared to what Spartans have. I guess it wouldn't makes sense for Elites to have such a wide variety of armor... But then again, Spartans, at first, were only supposed to have Mark V armor. Then came Halo 3...
I'm pretty sure your wrong. I seen armor in the hacked video that wasn't shown in the other video. Maybe you can only see 7 sets of elite armor when you start of. You can see more as you progress and that's were the rest are hidden. I'll try find the video. If I can remember where it is I'll link it. EDIT: YouTube- Halo Reach Beta: All Elite Armors 2:32 it would have been missing detail because it wasn't complete. That's the only one that wasn't in the other video though :'(
No, Bungie even said that the seven shown in the video are the only ones in the game, except the limited/legendary skin. I'm not going back weeks to find it, but it was said.
EVA with visor attachment, and also a new unreleased shoulder piece. This is the first reveal of the Mark V [a] helmet. Also shown, is another wrist attachment.
So, if I pre-order Reach I get this: If I pre-order from Game Stop I get that plus this: And if I pre-order the Limited edition, for just 10 dollars more, at Game Stop I get the two previous items plus this: Do I have this correct?
Thank you for confirming that for me, and if I'm right the ones for the Recon and Elite should be in the box and the one for the belt should be on the receipt or something like that?
The elite code will be inside the box, the chest piece will be either on a receipt or on a card like Johnson was, and we have mixed messages about how we're receiving the Recon helmet. Some say it'll be inside, some say it'll be like the chest piece, and some say it will be activated from just playing it the first day.
I found something. Gamestop.com - Buy Halo Reach - Xbox 360 Scroll down to the bottom and it say how you receive everything. Belt: Online Customers: A code and instructions on how to redeem your exclusive in-game armor will be emailed when the game releases. Store / In-Store Pickup Customers: A code and instructions on how to redeem your exclusive in-game armor will be printed on your receipt at time of purchase. Recon: Store / Online Customers: Token to download the Spartan Recon helmet will come packaged with your game.
lol. I love the armor customization, but I hope that the flaming helmet is a effect this time and not a armor. I want to have whatever I want on fire.
That would technically make the most sense, seeing as they have to somehow control the fact that only people who purchase the game on opening day get it.
So my buddy was talking to gamestop the other day, and the worker said that since Reach is going to be such a huge game, they are considering keeping the separate card for the release, like ODST's Johnson... thats not confirmed though.