This. Lets all shut up about legal discussion. Its obvious that pirating app store apps is illegal. Lets move on. Arrested? NEVER. And btw: Turn up your speakers.
Who else jailbreaks just for the customization stuff? Also how easy is it to find a ipod touch not a iPhone? You... You... You are my hero! (actually Darth Vader is.)
That link is the greatest thing of all time. And yeah, let's cut the legal chat. I re-jailbroke my iPhone since I wanted to try to utilize the practical things like the WiFi hotspot or tethering, but sadly those don't work yet, so I'm left with customization and true multitasking. Which is fine, and I also put in taskbar notifications, though the system really does suck. If you have a jailbroken iDevice, get SBSettings if you haven't already. It's the one thing that everyone should have.
I doubt it. Its the same process being applied. I just did it to 3 iPod's (no I'm not super rich I just have 3 brothers) and they all worked fine. I mean maybe you know something I don't but I've read somewhere that the chances of bricking are super low.
I just jailbroke my uncles 3GS. Also looked up a few apps and their is one that you send voice messages to each other without having to listen to caller ID and rings and BS. That cuts off a nice chunk off of any texting bill.
Yeah the iOS devices have a built in ROM (Read Only Memory) that can't be over written that puts them in a DFU mode allowing for the onboard RAM to be overwriten in case of emergencies. There's basically no way an average to advanced user could brick the phone. You'd have to dig in so deep it's essentially impossible.
No you lose absolutely nothing. A simply visit to this site on your device will get you jailbroken easily. No computer required.
I uped and did it and it's sweet. I seriously hate all the people who are like OH NOES DONT DO IT YOULL LOSE EVERYTINHG YOULL BRICK IT AND YOU CANT SYNC ANYTHING FOR ITUNES... some of the crap rumors that are being spread are so annoying. All it does is add another app store to your home screen. It doesn't put a ***** in the status bar, or give away 50 of your credit card numbers, it just adds Cydia (a homebrew/developer) app store where you can download apps that Apple will not let normally be distributed - for example, speeding up your iPod, adding extra controls, quicker access to settings, and of course, customizing your iPod with themes. Sure, if you want to go ahead and download 60 different apps, open up OpenSSH and run it all the time without changing the password, then yes, you are at risk and most likely your iPod will become unstable. But mine works fine (and amazing - I still use it normally with iTunes :O!), and in addition I've got a theme installed, SBsettings (toolbar for wifi/brightness/power/bluetooth easy access), MakeItMine (changed the carrier to my name), and enabled multitasking using an app called Backgrounder, since Apple was lame and didn't give it up in 4.0. (I lol'd because in a 2008 thread in this forum, I bashed it and said I'd never do it to save my warranty. :])
It keeps it from going into landscape. If you're on 4.0, simply double tap the home button, scroll to the left, press the lock icon and you're good
Winterboard isn't iOS4 compatible yet. So you could either wait for any update, of replace icons manually using iFile or SSH
i have winterboard and it works partially now. but i wanna know where you got that theme you have right now. it looks good.
A year ago I jailbroke my iPod. For a year I had it liked that. Cydia got screwed up for some reason. Did all the things that people tell me to do, but no luck. My iPod was also getting screwed up, I only get a 1hr battery life. iPod was laggy and crashing. Recently un-jailbroke and jailbroke iOS 4.0 on m 2g iPod Touch. Unchecked "Get Cydia" because of what happened a long time ago. My iPod is permanently screwed up.